Gransnet forums


*ACRONYM* (*ABC New 2*)

(1001 Posts)
crazyH Sun 13-Nov-22 11:20:51

Driving every Friday

HowVeryDareYou2 Mon 03-Apr-23 16:46:58

Didn't earn fame

crazyH Mon 03-Apr-23 15:50:06

Allow big cats ?

biglouis Mon 03-Apr-23 15:46:47

Eradicate your zits

eGJ Sun 02-Apr-23 21:51:00

Understand various wavelengths

crazyH Sun 02-Apr-23 20:44:32

Rude sister, truly

eGJ Sun 02-Apr-23 20:26:40

Order perfect quinces

crazyH Sun 02-Apr-23 19:44:16

Lost my necklace

HowVeryDareYou2 Sun 02-Apr-23 19:23:37

It's just kinky

eGJ Sun 02-Apr-23 14:28:24

Fresh galettes heating

Bellanonna Sun 02-Apr-23 12:12:24

Caught dog escaping

HowVeryDareYou2 Sun 02-Apr-23 11:29:58

Zits are bad

biglouis Sun 02-Apr-23 11:29:31

Wild eXciting youth

Bellanonna Sun 02-Apr-23 10:45:10

The unabridged version

henetha Sun 02-Apr-23 10:41:35

Quitting really soon

HowVeryDareYou2 Sun 02-Apr-23 08:26:43

No ordinary person

GrandmaSeaDragon Sun 02-Apr-23 07:09:19

Kind loving mother

eGJ Sat 01-Apr-23 19:43:00

Hate identical jumpers

HowVeryDareYou2 Sat 01-Apr-23 17:19:51

Evening's favourite game

CazzJazz Sat 01-Apr-23 16:27:40

Blackcurrant crumble dessert

crazyH Sat 01-Apr-23 15:25:25

Your zesty apple

HowVeryDareYou2 Sat 01-Apr-23 14:21:02

Valued wise eXample

eGJ Sat 01-Apr-23 13:19:11

Steer tractor unaided

HowVeryDareYou2 Sat 01-Apr-23 12:10:58

Please quash rumours

crazyH Sat 01-Apr-23 11:31:46

My new office

biglouis Sat 01-Apr-23 10:14:42

Jolly knitted leggings

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