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Menopause Acne

(2 Posts)
cookiemonster66 Mon 23-Oct-17 12:50:34

I'm 51 yet I have teenage acne! The menopause has ruined my face! I never even suffered teenage acne as a teenager, so why now? I don't even know how to deal with it? I've been using body shop tea tree products, facial wash, toner and lotion, do I still use my anti-wrinkle cream after as its so moisturising? Ahhh it's so unfair <teenage strop mode> any help and advice most welcome please!

marielosgonza95 Mon 23-Oct-17 15:32:31

Hello! Some years ago I suffered from acne as well. The treatment that worked the best for me is DermalMD acne treatment. I'm sure this can help you as well.