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Arthritis - painful fingers

(13 Posts)
winterwhite Sun 15-Apr-18 16:57:05

Not at all Anniebach, good that the same advice is helping us both.
Have noticed he sits with hand grasping the mouse when deep in thought as though it were some kind of muse grin. He might well be willing to try the stuffed sock idea, wouldn’t have thought of that on my own.

Charleygirl Sun 15-Apr-18 16:10:37

Good because my diagnosis may not be accurate.

Anniebach Sun 15-Apr-18 15:58:57

I will Charley, when I can get to the GP

Charleygirl Sun 15-Apr-18 15:47:47

Annie all is not lost- you can ask for a referral to a hand surgeon.

wildswan16 Sun 15-Apr-18 15:31:20

You could try going to sleep holding a ball (or stuffed sock), that way the fingers wouldn't get the chance to "bend" all the way in. A friend did this and it certainly helped a bit. She used to tape round her hand so she didn't lose the ball in the bed ! Her fingers were still very stiff but at least they were a bit straighter.

It also meant that if she woke during the night she could squeeze the ball to exercise the joints a little.

GrandmaMoira Sun 15-Apr-18 14:49:08

I have Duyputren's Contracture, though mine is mild. Try to straighten your hand as much as possible, especially think how you position it when you go to sleep. I also have arthritis and if I sleep with my hand in a fist it takes ages to get my hand going in the morning. Years of typing and using a mouse aggravated the problem, so I'm much better since retiring.

loopyloo Sun 15-Apr-18 14:12:43

Do the gloves with magnets help?

Anniebach Sun 15-Apr-18 14:09:17

Thank you all so much, I am furious , I wasn't referred to anyone , just told - age related arthritis . I did the exercises , grrrr.

Winterwhite, sorry to interrupt your thread . I hope your husband is referred as recommended here .

winterwhite Sun 15-Apr-18 13:26:26

Thanks, and esp for advice re not letting it drag on too long and not hammering away on laptop all day, wh he currently does.
He has no lumps on palms, so seems less severe than yours * Anniebach* flowers

Charleygirl Sun 15-Apr-18 12:30:56

Annie it sounds to me as though you have Duyputren's Contracture in its advanced stage. It starts off with a couple of lumps in the palm of your hand, then usually firstly the middle and then ring and little finger bend towards the palm of of your hand and cannot be straightened. Surgery can help but your fingers will never return to normal.

winterwhite do not let it go on for too long because it can reach a stage where surgery cannot help. Your DH and Annie should ask to see a hand surgeon. Do not accept any orthopaedic surgeon because only a hand surgeon will achieve the best results. If possible do your homework before visiting the GP, preferably with a name. If you want help PM me.

hildajenniJ Sun 15-Apr-18 12:29:58

Annie, if it's Dupuytren's contracture that affects your fingers, then there is an operation that can be done. I have this condition, but my fingers are still fairly straight. I exercise my hands and fingers daily to try and ward off the inevitable!
This is from the NHS site:
Surgery to straighten the fingers
A cut is made along your palm and finger so the surgeon can straighten it.

general anaesthetic (you're asleep) or local anaesthetic (your hand is numbed)
you can leave hospital the same day
recovery time: 4 to 12 weeks
lowest risk of contracture coming back
risks include bleeding, numbness and infection

Anniebach Sun 15-Apr-18 12:17:26

Three fingers on my left hand ,I am left handed, are now stuck into my palm, I was told nothing could be done , not told there was an operation. Do keep doing exercising your hands winterwhite and avoid iPads , my sympathies

winterwhite Sun 15-Apr-18 12:12:14

OH suffers from fingers bending inward overnight and having to be painfully straightened in the morning. GP says nothing to be done unless gets severe enough for operation.
Anyone know of any pain-relieving treatment or tip that works? No chance that he would take glucosamine or the like. Would like to help him since clearly v painful.