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Sleeping patterns during pandemic

(2 Posts)
GagaJo Wed 09-Jun-21 15:37:47

I'm the opposite. I can't sleep much before 2am. One horrible night last week, I didn't get to sleep until 6.30am. Late to bed does tend to be my default sleep pattern, but I'm usually held into a better routine by work.

I find I sleep better if I take my antihistimine earlier in the evening. But I frequently forget.

MollyAA12 Wed 09-Jun-21 15:34:04

Hello do other people find sleeping difficult during this time. I always seem to wake up at 3.00 and then lie awake.

I have tried getting up and walking round as advised but it does not seem to work.

Also is there more anxiety during this time?

My longing to do 'normal' things has become obsessive and I miss the old life so much! I ent to my dentist today and seh said she feels permanently tired and yet she sleeps. I suppose all this is stress related. We wander about putting masks on, taking them off, avoiding contact, wiping hands. It is all exhausting and mentally draining. On the bus we get moved around if we are too close and the poor driver is continually counting and looking down the aisles.

I did manage to get to York for a day - I have had two injections. I have never wiped my hands so much!

Sometimes I put I like to Boogie on YouTube in the mornings and dance with Julie Walters and Billy Elliott.

Any more tips anyone?