Gransnet forums


book club

(5 Posts)
PaulineBeer12345 Sat 08-Jul-17 11:16:53

Hi everyone just to update you on book club meets twice a month first Friday and third Friday each month. At 10.30 Weatherspoons. Ashford. We have also a community singing for fun group called beautiful Monday as we meet each Monday. Please message me if you would like to come.

JayP Thu 01-Aug-13 19:46:25

Book club sounds like a good idea, where would anyone like it to be based?

Grandmere Wed 24-Apr-13 11:53:20

What a brilliant idea, unfortunately a bit too far for me also. But most certainly would have joined you if closer. Good luck with the Book Club anyway!

Primrose Fri 12-Apr-13 18:21:44

Oh what a pity Ashford is just a bit too far for me.

PaulineBeer12345 Thu 11-Apr-13 19:24:40

I am starting a book club onTuesday 23rd April 7.30pm is anyone intereste? It will be at Ashford Weatherspoons let us know.