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High Street Fiasco

(2 Posts)
Pittcity Wed 08-Jan-14 20:15:47

From the Colchester Gazette:"FINES worth £1 million handed out to motorists caught using Colchester’s new bus lanes have been waived following an online uproar.

Rodney Bass, Essex County councillor responsible for highways, yesterday decided anyone issued Penalty Charge Notices for going up North Hill and for turning from the High Street into Queen Street.

It is believed nearly 17,000 tickets have been handed out in the eleven weeks since enforcement of the bus lanes began on October 24.

The decision follows a flurry of appeals by motorists who said they were unaware the bus lanes had been introduced, and who did not see the limited number of signs advertising the restrictions."

The bus lanes have been temporarily suspended while the signs are improved and should be back in action by 12th January.

All this on top of the aborted attempt to ban private traffic altogether and it seems that between them Essex and Colchester Councils couldn't organise a up in a brewery.

What do you think?

LizLeatherdale Thu 09-Jan-14 13:34:00

I can't and won't put into print what I think of it all.....