Gransnet forums


People still want to join our Local Groups?

(1 Post)
AnnB Sat 09-Jul-22 15:34:32

As the previous editor for Gransnet Staffiordshire and Stoke, I receive notifications weekly from people who want to be registered on the local sites. These sites no longer exist but we can communicate via this forum page.
If the desire was there we can set up meetings or furnish information. However I have not posted for two years because there were no responses. I do feel worried about the people trying to get in touch, and this could be a way to contact local people.
In the past it has seemed that most useful information ends up on the main site however. Thus 'meet-ups' with the potential of five people saying they would come have often ended up with just one person and me! Please make use of these forums on lots of issues or contact local people through this site. Wishing you all the best Grandma/Nana/Grandpa/ Grannie in Staffordshire or Stoke! AnnB