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Breast Ironing in young girls

(60 Posts)
POGS Sat 02-Feb-19 13:56:58

We have spoken of FGM and Breast Ironing on Gransnet for some time and I started a thread saying this back in 2016 :-

POGS Sun 10-Apr-16 13:08:58

I'm sick to death of reading/listening to news stories of physical abuse of young girls. We all know of Genital Mutilation but am I alone in never heard of BREAST IRONING?

Sky News is running coverage of yet another heinous abuse of young girls who endure ' Breast Ironing ', the pounding and massaging of pubescent girls breasts using 'hard' and ' heated' objects to try and stop breast development or make them disappear. .For goodness sake pure bloody barbarism, yet again. Well done Sky and those raising a voice to make it illegal in the UK.

This is predominantly an African issue, Cameroon but it is happening to young girls in the UK. I was so shocked I looked on google and I was shocked to see so much has been written and known about it. Well known UK newspapers over past years have written about breast ironing ' Where have I been'. I genuinely have not heard of it.

This makes me cry, thinking of my own 9 year old grandchild and the suffering some children and women live with . Why do we put with this in the UK? It must be stopped and as with Female Genital Mutilation the UK must make it clear it will not be tolerated here, it is physical abuse verging on torture. I have put a link up to the Sky News because others are too horrific to view.

May granddaughter is now coming up to 13 and it is being reported that ' BREAST IRONING ' is on the rise in the UK.

Now that there has AT LAST been a criminal case of FGM isn't not time to stop BREAST IRONING in the UK and action taken in the Courts?

MacCavity2 Sat 02-Feb-19 19:14:28

Smacking children is now an offence thank goodness but if people are from a different culture the liberal pc brigade want a softly softly approach. If these people were cutting noses or ears off their children would we not be appalled at the abuse. It’s only because it is hidden. The law in this country is a joke.

Lily65 Sat 02-Feb-19 19:33:43

Who, exactly are this " liberal pc brigade" who wish to allow young girls to be vilely abused?

maryeliza54 Sat 02-Feb-19 20:21:20

Exactly Lily . Where are they? There are some nasty goady posts in this thread insinuating that no one ( or certain no ones) care at all about BI and that nothing is been done about it, much is being done and many professionals would like to do more but thanks to austerity there aren’t the resources to do as much as they would wish - that’s the real scandal that ss are on their knee. And coupled with that is the real difficulty of exactly what can be done?

SueDonim Sat 02-Feb-19 20:58:41

There are ideas on what can be done in this article but who knows where the money will come from?

MacCavity2 Sat 02-Feb-19 21:24:27

Austerity, resources, ss on their knees? This abuse is ancient not recent. There will always be excuses not to do anything. The French seems able to tackle it. “Goody posts” thought this was a forum for opinions?

MacCavity2 Sat 02-Feb-19 21:25:35


Lily65 Sat 02-Feb-19 21:51:48

OK, this is vile abuse of young girls which somehow seems to be " part of" some cultures.

It is totally unacceptable and needs people of the highest calibre to challenge and support. These people would most likely be social workers, who are poorly paid and massively overworked. They have huge caseloads and work long hours.

As the austerity noose becomes ever tighter round our necks, support dies. The youth service for example, a brilliant safe space for young people is destroyed. Teachers are tied to a punishing regime of testing and payment by results.

Culture and colour play a part for sure but please don't blame so called " liberals" for this abomination.

Also, I am interested to know how France tackles this?

petra Sat 02-Feb-19 22:33:55

Not seems to be part of some cultures, is part of some cultures.
Let's get that straight. There's no ifs or buts about it.

maryeliza54 Sat 02-Feb-19 22:46:41

The abuse is not ancient in the UK

maryeliza54 Sat 02-Feb-19 22:48:51

Health workers are an important part of this work as well - I remember the school nurse service but as if the government gives a damn about doing anything that would cost money

maryeliza54 Sat 02-Feb-19 23:01:42

Lily interesting article from 2 years ago re France and FMG but attitudinal issues relevant to BI as well I would guess

Grannybags Sat 02-Feb-19 23:13:22

I have never heard of breast ironing and am appalled at the idea.
Thanks to everyone for all the links, I'm going to read them all now.

PECS Sat 02-Feb-19 23:27:50

FGM & BI are dreadful practises and the appropriate gov.dept need to devise an effective strategy to a) raise awareness , b) identify girls most at risk & c) enable swift action to protect youngsters.
There are organisations who are already active in thes areas of concern.
I really don't find the accusations of PC brigade, softies etc hold any credibility at all. I don't think it is PC to assault or mutilate young women. Most SW & teachers I know fight hard & work hard to protect vulnerable people and would immediately take appropriate action.
The suggestion that these "traditional" customs are not tackled because the pepertrators are not white British is disingenuous. Charities working to stop such practises have workers who are from the communities concerned.

Lily65 Sun 03-Feb-19 08:22:58

Oh gosh, the school nurse, I had forgotten all about this service.

maryeliza54 Sun 03-Feb-19 08:48:29

Tbf PECS my links show that there are official strategies in place across health,social services and police. Unless we live in or are part of the relevant communities we have no real idea do we of what is being done to combat these practices and so some falsely conclude that nothing is being done. Both charities and official bodies are working together and both have a role to play. Of course more needs doung - it always does - and resources are limited but the tone of some posts on here are just goady and/ or ill informed.

maryeliza54 Sun 03-Feb-19 08:54:11

The thing about the SN service was that a relationship was built up between the nurse and her designated schools. For the students she was a known person without all the ‘baggage’ of the everyday teacher relationship. She could offer a safe ear on a whole range of issues especially to girls who could talk to her in confidence without their parents knowing.

Lily65 Sun 03-Feb-19 09:00:46

Yes and a dose of common sense.

PECS Sun 03-Feb-19 09:05:06

Nowadays schools have home school link workers. They can liaise with students, organisations, SS and of course home &family.

maryeliza54 Sun 03-Feb-19 09:12:33

Especially the common sense. Not wanting to stereotype but the ones I used to work with were usually returners who’d retrained as SNs after time out for children. They wove together the necessary clinical experience with appropriate SN training and life experiences.

EllanVannin Sun 03-Feb-19 10:14:49

I think petra summed it up--------Barbaric !

PECS Sun 03-Feb-19 10:24:17

Ellan it is appalling as are these statistics , taken from NSPCC. It will include children from a wide range of socio economic and cultural backgrounds. Abuse is not limited to one "type" of people . We need to be equally angry about it all.

"1 in 5 children have experienced severe maltreatment
Children abused by parents or carers are almost 3 times more likely to also witness family violence
1 in 3 children sexually abused by an adult didn’t tell anyone at the time
All types of abuse and neglect are associated with poorer mental health"

EllanVannin Sun 03-Feb-19 10:59:12

This sort of ritual doesn't belong in this civilised country ! I don't care what culture people here come from but it's obvious that what's been carried out has set a precedent for those of the same mindset to also abuse in this way.

Education against this type of practice is urgently needed in this country, that it is wrong both morally and socially. We don't do this in our country----simple as that !

On the news this morning there was another ( upcoming discussion ) debateable cultural background on Sikhs carrying knives/swords as part of their attire.
This country needs no more encouragement in such a practice than it's already got ! I feel an excuse coming---" well they carry them ".

We don't want/need these people who are going to continue their own country's rites and rituals ! It's already caused untold damage to communities here and it's about time someone opened their eyes to it instead of burying their heads in the sand.

We have to respect certain countries when we visit so why isn't that respect reciprocated when those peoples are living here ?

I don't believe that " All types of abuse and neglect are associated with poorer mental health " at all. It's a fallacy, another excuse to use the mental health card.

POGS Sun 03-Feb-19 16:47:24

Thank you Maryeliza

Every time you post to accuse posters of
being ' Goady ' on the subject of Breast Ironing it brings the thread back into discussion.

I am going to so now but the difference is I am hoping that posters who have never heard of Breast Ironing and probably never in a millions years would have thought it was a remote possibility will at least now hopefully be speaking to others about it.

That was the point in my starting the thread!

maryeliza54 Sun 03-Feb-19 16:50:37

Well that’s good POGS and maybe raising awareness might make people lobby for more resources rather than just saying how dreadful it is

PECS Sun 03-Feb-19 16:51:27

EllanVannin do you think the queen is a traitor?