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My god, and we thought Boris was the king of waffle!

(53 Posts)
phoenix Mon 25-May-20 17:01:20

Dominic Cummings, interview currently on Radio 4.

Didn't handle the questions very well, did he?

SueDonim Mon 25-May-20 18:56:05

Offered or ‘offered’, I wonder? This is a girl of a similar age to those whose parents wouldn’t want them to go back to school because they don’t feel it’s safe.

Cummings also said his son needed to go to hospital - a hospital onto which he was putting an unnecessary burden by travelling away from home. Weren’t we all told not travel so we didn’t put a strain on local services - Protect The NHS.

Riverwalk Mon 25-May-20 18:46:08

“I’m 95% sure I stopped on the way back down to fill up with petrol, but I can’t be sure,”

How can he not remember that? It's quite a long journey!

Jabberwok Mon 25-May-20 18:45:51

They offered or did you miss that bit?! Obviously in a low category for infection so clearly better choice than a probably
much older neighbour,
If an Ambulance had had to come in London they would have risked the same infection ditto hospital staff, or would that have been ok?,

varian Mon 25-May-20 18:42:47

The fact is that this liar managed to deceive enough decent British people to vote for brexit. which would harm our country and hurt most ordinary folk, and he thinks his lies will always be believed.

SueDonim Mon 25-May-20 18:36:42

A neighbour to help should the worst happen?!! What a pathetic question! He and they would certainly have been breaking every rule in the book? and probably made neighbour dangerously ill too?!!

So it’s ok to break the rules and infect your own young nieces (Possibly the same niece for whom school is so very unsafe?) but it’s not ok to ask a neighbour to help?

trisher Mon 25-May-20 18:33:27

EllanVanninNo one is hanging anyone just asking for a resignation. It used to be commonplace in politics. When you messed up you resigned and usually you went quietly and with dignity. You didn't try to talk your way out of it. It's called taking responsibility.

EllanVannin Mon 25-May-20 18:28:14

Hung drawn and quartered for overstepping the mark. Good grief.

No wonder the pre-arranged protests were cancelled this weekend, which by the way were instigated by a member of the media, who were supposed to have all gathered in towns/cities to protest about the lockdown.

What a pity it never went ahead. One thing would have laughed at another wouldn't it ?

merlotgran Mon 25-May-20 18:27:58

Of course, many will have decided not to believe him no matter what he said simply because of the position he holds as advisor to a Tory PM

As I said on one of the other threads, Please don't assume that criticism is only coming from the left.

merlotgran Mon 25-May-20 18:25:51


His wife's article in the Spectator gives the impression that DC was also feeling ill when they set off. She also misled readers as to whether or not they were in Durham when they felt better. She implied that were back in London but clearly they were not.

Riverwalk Mon 25-May-20 18:24:45

The wife was ill, potentially with the virus; the PM had been diagnosed with it that day; Cummings became ill with the symptoms, and the child was ill requiring a night in hospital.

All three could have had the virus - and could have spread it to a lot of people, not least ambulance and hospital staff.

The very reason why the rules were quite clear that if you suspect you have the virus you stay put, not travel the length of the country.

Jabberwok Mon 25-May-20 18:20:54

You're so right Oldwoman 70! Your comments totally sum it up in a nutshell!!

Jabberwok Mon 25-May-20 18:17:38

The Durham police spokesman explained that they were satisfied about this episode, if they are then I am!
The press outside his house were hardly practising social distancing and never have, but I guess that's ok!
A neighbour to help should the worst happen?!! What a pathetic question! He and they would certainly have been breaking every rule in the book? and probably made neighbour dangerously ill too?!!

phoenix Mon 25-May-20 18:16:53

I doubt if Boris would get rid of the puppet master Dominic Cummings, after all, how would he make decisions all by himself?

Nannee49 Mon 25-May-20 18:11:52

Wè are being ruled by utter and complete bull sh*tting donkeys!!!

If he'd not broken the rules there would be NO MEDIA FRENZY!! What is so hard to understand about that?

Oldwoman70 Mon 25-May-20 18:05:29

As I understand it when he drove north it was his wife who was unwell - he didn't develop symptoms until after he arrived, they didn't stop on the way and practiced safe distancing whilst there.

Of course, many will have decided not to believe him no matter what he said simply because of the position he holds as advisor to a Tory PM

paddyanne Mon 25-May-20 17:59:02

The apologists on here are astonishing ,if he'd infected someone you love or driven his car into them you'd be calling for his head.For now he;s a good old tory boy and he didn't do anything wonder the "uk" is in the mess it is .

Hetty58 Mon 25-May-20 17:54:18

What an embarrassment our government are. I used to feel sorry for the Americans - with Trump - now I should think the world feels sorry for us!

lemongrove Mon 25-May-20 17:54:02

All it comes down to in the end ( once you put dislike of Cummings to one side) is ‘was what he did legal and reasonable in the circumstances’. Did he endanger anyone else etc.
The rulings about how to act in this pandemic were not written on tablets of stone, but meant to safeguard ourselves, our children and others.
I have no particular liking for the man but see a lot of hypocrisy surrounding this media feeding frenzy.
If Johnson things Cummings should resign then he will (doesn’t look like it though.)
Considering what thousands of Britains have been doing in the last month or so, parties ,barbecues etc with family and friends, all this furore seems very odd.

Fennel Mon 25-May-20 17:50:57

Did I miss something? I thought the drive up north was to leave his son with his parents on their farm to protect him from the virus in London.

Nanna58 Mon 25-May-20 17:50:44

Ok , now I am officially terrified. This is the man masterminding our response to Covid? He shouldn’t be allowed to organise the proverbial get together in a brewery!!!

Nandalot Mon 25-May-20 17:43:48

Sorry, I meant Riverwalk’s comment about driving to test his eyes with his child in the car.

Nandalot Mon 25-May-20 17:37:24

Exactly, Trisher. Also, if he thought he might become ill at any time was it really safe to embark on a 260 mile journey?

trisher Mon 25-May-20 17:35:49

Not to mention only stopping on the way back because his child needed a wee.

ayse Mon 25-May-20 17:35:23

It’s ridiculous.??

Jane43 Mon 25-May-20 17:34:23

Nobody asked if his wife can drive and if so couldn’t she have driven them back to London?