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Michael Gove divorce

(178 Posts)
MayBee70 Fri 02-Jul-21 18:12:31

So Michael Gove is getting divorced now. Surely he hasn’t been having an affair?

GrannyGravy13 Sat 03-Jul-21 18:25:58


No vegans it isn’t, certainly I have no idea what her opinions are.
If she has unpleasant ones and has caused hurt ( although most journalists will do that over their long careers) then what are you all doing but the same thing?

Unfortunately lemongrove the anti-Conservative contingent has managed to whip up a feeding frenzy on this thread and it is very ugly to witness.

There are two children whose parents are divorcing, how would you feel if your posts were to be seen by them?

foxie48 Sat 03-Jul-21 18:21:40


If you can’t take it , don’t dish it out, is what I think about Sarah Vine. Why people are defending this person I don’t know, probably because they agree with her opinions?

No I don't agree with her opinions and I am not defending her, I'd just like to try to be a bit better than she is. A modest aim but it's mine and it's what I choose.

lemongrove Sat 03-Jul-21 18:18:28

No vegans it isn’t, certainly I have no idea what her opinions are.
If she has unpleasant ones and has caused hurt ( although most journalists will do that over their long careers) then what are you all doing but the same thing?

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 18:15:56

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 18:14:02

Sarah Vine has sometimes given us an insight into her husband's political ambitions.

Apparently his support for brexit was not because he actually wanted the UK to leave the EU but because he thought it would raise his profile and make him more likely to climb up the greasy pole right to the top.

When the leave campaign actually won, they were both horrified and she screamed at him "You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"

vegansrock Sat 03-Jul-21 18:08:19

If you can’t take it , don’t dish it out, is what I think about Sarah Vine. Why people are defending this person I don’t know, probably because they agree with her opinions?

Whitewavemark2 Sat 03-Jul-21 18:07:41

Vine has caused a lot of hurt over the years.

MayBee70 Sat 03-Jul-21 17:57:30

My mum always used to say things like ‘the mills of god grind slowly’ and ‘you reap what you sow’. It has never bothered her if her acid tongue hurts other other people.

lemongrove Sat 03-Jul-21 17:54:05

gillgran smile
They’re still at it on here though I see, but you see, Sarah Vine is a Conservative married to a Conservative Minister, so in their eyes that makes it quite alright.

Sarah Vine is a journalist with her own column, and is outspoken in it ( I don’t buy newspapers so don’t know) but I
do know that her public persona doesn’t mean she should be insulted and mocked and ridiculed on social media, because her marriage has ended.

Whitewavemark2 Sat 03-Jul-21 17:39:48

No I mean the Sarah Vine who called Prince Harry’s wife a fish. That Sarah Vine.

Ilovecheese Sat 03-Jul-21 17:27:03

You mean the Sarah Vine who compared Ed Milliband's wife to an alien? That charming Sarah Vine?

gillgran Sat 03-Jul-21 16:47:59

A relief to read your posts, GrannyGravy13 & lemongrove, thank you.
My own thoughts are sad at the news of another marriage breakdown, I feel for the whole of their family.

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 16:25:04

Sometimes he's Andrew Neill (obscure reference to an old girlfriend I think)

FannyCornforth Sat 03-Jul-21 15:51:58

And Neil is always Brillo, shurely?

FannyCornforth Sat 03-Jul-21 15:51:21

When they do spoof columns 'by' her, they always call her Sarah Vain

Whitewavemark2 Sat 03-Jul-21 15:50:04

The point is that you can’t give it out as Vine has done for so many years at such an unpleasant level and not expect a back lash.

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 15:49:00

Perhaps Private Eye use more than one name or variation on the name, as they do for others such as Andrew Neil.

FannyCornforth Sat 03-Jul-21 15:46:14

Private Eye call her Sarah Vain

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 14:47:57

"Sarah Vile" is the name used for Sarah Vine by Private Eye, reflecting the tone of her Daily Mail columns, and this has been widely copied. It is not a term I use, but I have seen it widely used, which was the purpose of my post.

varian Sat 03-Jul-21 14:38:25

Gay poverty campaigner Jack Monroe has condemned "homophobic, deadnaming, ignorant" comments made by columnist Sarah Vine about her decision to become a mother in a same sex relationship.

Callistemon Sat 03-Jul-21 14:15:51


Beckett and foxie there have been plenty of comments on other threads about Anne Robinson’s appearance without anyone defending her so I think you are wrong in thinking a woman wouldn’t get the same treatment as Gove gets

I think that's different Bluebelle

Gove is (I am presuming) as he is but the reason Anne Robinson received criticism is because she has changed her appearance so much with plastic surgery in an attempt to look younger than her 76 years that she is a caricature of her former self. She looks ridiculous and can barely speak.

It is unkind to criticise someone for their natural looks. Posters were criticised for doing that about Diane Abbott and it's not fair.

Alegrias1 Sat 03-Jul-21 14:14:57

You need to take it up with Michael Portillo.

Nightsky2 Sat 03-Jul-21 14:08:03



Sarah Vine is a right wing jounalist who seems to like words like venom and vitriol which are often repeated by Tory GNetters.

No wonder she has often been called Sarah Vile.

foxie48 this is one comment but there are others.
I agree completely with what you have posted, the hatefest shown on here for a divorcing couple is an eye opener.Those posters who always consider themselves PC are now shown to be anything but!

varian your post says a lot about you.

It does indeed say a lot about Varian and quite a few others on here too. A few disgusting comments.

Barmeyoldbat Sat 03-Jul-21 14:07:30

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple!! This woman has written and intruded into many people’s lives and now she has the cheek to ask for privacy, not a chance.

Daisend1 Sat 03-Jul-21 13:54:49

Doesn't appear to be the sort of guy to 'play a way' but then still waters can run deep