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All new A-Z household items with feelings game!

(1001 Posts)
rosesarered Fri 03-Jun-16 12:39:38

The 3rd installment, bigger and better.

br0adwater Fri 04-Nov-16 07:51:31

Sexy sunglasses

shutting the door behind me as requested ;)

cornergran Thu 03-Nov-16 23:20:05

Ranting radiator

Bellanonna Thu 03-Nov-16 22:32:09

Quitting quizmaster

rosesarered Thu 03-Nov-16 20:37:51

( nearly there! Will the last person in close the door and lock

br0adwater Thu 03-Nov-16 20:26:09

Petulant pyjamas

Bellanonna Thu 03-Nov-16 19:36:10

Ostentatious onesie !

br0adwater Thu 03-Nov-16 13:31:42

Nostalgic nightie !

rosesarered Thu 03-Nov-16 11:39:15

Moody mugs

br0adwater Thu 03-Nov-16 08:54:33

Lascivious longjohns

Bellanonna Wed 02-Nov-16 23:37:43

Kitsch keepsakes

br0adwater Wed 02-Nov-16 22:53:40

Jocular jugs

cornergran Wed 02-Nov-16 22:39:27

Illogical insect

rosesarered Tue 01-Nov-16 23:56:08

Hopeful hook

rosesarered Tue 01-Nov-16 23:55:22

(Getting near the end of the third installment of this game, my, you're an inventive lot.)

Bellanonna Tue 01-Nov-16 20:31:01

Garrulous gatepost

grannyqueenie Tue 01-Nov-16 20:26:35

Flouncing flowers

Sheena Tue 01-Nov-16 18:44:24

Eavesdropping eggs

br0adwater Mon 31-Oct-16 08:12:15

Disapproving door

grannyqueenie Sun 30-Oct-16 22:23:40

Copulating carrots

br0adwater Sun 30-Oct-16 07:16:52

Broody bedspread

Bellanonna Thu 27-Oct-16 10:22:37

Aromatic airing-cupboard

br0adwater Tue 25-Oct-16 17:57:02

Zany zips

Sheena Tue 25-Oct-16 14:49:45

Can't do X

Yelling yoghurt

br0adwater Tue 25-Oct-16 11:15:19

Wobbly windows

cornergran Tue 25-Oct-16 10:12:26

Vibrating vinyl

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