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Dessert anyone?

(11 Posts)
ninathenana Mon 24-Jul-17 07:09:34

I think as the op was 28/8/16 it's long gone smile

BlairGuerrero Mon 24-Jul-17 05:36:37

Yummy...I am feeling hungry now.

numberplease Sun 28-Aug-16 19:15:32

That looks scrummy!

grannyqueenie Sun 28-Aug-16 17:59:10

Can I come for tea? Oops, then again maybe not, as I've just remembered. I've eaten not one but TWO Danish pastries this afternoon....the perils of visting the reduced counter in Sainsburys on a Bank Holiday Sunday shock

Auntieflo Sun 28-Aug-16 17:41:40

As Linsco said just now. I have succumbed to a piece of cake blush, as our DD and SIL visited and I made tea and coffee, as you do. I put slices of cake, date and walnut, onto plates, and just ate it!! Why? I have tried to start a LCHF way of eating, and have fallen at almost the first hurdle. So Tanith, please put away your lovely cake, now, pretty please.

Greyduster Sun 28-Aug-16 16:37:50

Ooooh! Yes please!

tanith Sun 28-Aug-16 16:36:19

One slice isn't going to do it! Sorry no extra cream but I have clotted cream ice-cream if you need a little extra moisture.

shysal Sun 28-Aug-16 16:32:08

I could easily help you eat it too! It looks delicious.

The other day I craved berry muffins all day and resisted making any. Then, when it came to 8pm, I gave in to temptation and made half a batch (6). I was very good and froze 5 of them individually for the future.

I wish I didn't enjoy baking so much.

annsixty Sun 28-Aug-16 16:14:39

Large slice for me please, no piddling little ladylike portion.
And is there extra cream for pouring??

Linsco56 Sun 28-Aug-16 16:11:26

OMG!....get ye behind me Satan! ?

tanith Sun 28-Aug-16 15:56:55

Looking for something occupy myself today I thought I'd try my hand at a simple strawberry dessert..

Haven't tried it yet a bit too full from dinner maybe later..