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My pot grown Wisteria

(14 Posts)
tanith Sun 30-Apr-17 15:32:16

wink 'Charleygirl'

Charleygirl Sun 30-Apr-17 15:19:31

It is beautiful, just what you wanted to greet you when you arrived home last week. Put the feet up and please rest. I have not forgotten I have to find the date.

tanith Sun 30-Apr-17 15:08:39

Thanks 'Greyduster' I'm very happy after all this time it's bloomed so beautifully.grin

Greyduster Sun 30-Apr-17 14:54:27

No, definitely don't get back to housework too soon! I'm following this advice and there's nothing wrong with me!!! Beautiful wisteria! If I had got something like that to grow in a pot I would be overjoyed - wysterical, in fact! ?

rosesarered Sat 29-Apr-17 19:24:23

......but DH's don't do things the way we do them, do they?grin but if they are doing their best that's great.I also think they then realise how much we actually do around the house when hale and hearty.Anyway, make the most of being looked after, and don't try and get back to housework too soon.

tanith Sat 29-Apr-17 19:16:22

Thanks 'rosesarered' I'm trying not to be a nag, OH really is doing his best grin

rosesarered Sat 29-Apr-17 19:11:40

Lovely tanith and I hope you recover from your hip operation soon, don't overdo things! ?

tanith Sat 29-Apr-17 18:54:39


whitewave Sat 29-Apr-17 18:20:01

My God I might be dead!!!!!

J52 Sat 29-Apr-17 18:15:13

That's lovely tanith. I have one planted in a pot last year, it is about 2ft high and had flowers last year.
I was really pleased to see buds on it this year, it's not out yet.

tanith Sat 29-Apr-17 18:12:38

WW I'm afraid you may have a long wait as mine is over 10 yrs old and only once before did it have about 5 flowers on it. I am blown away with it this year as its been completely neglected and to say I'm shocked was an understatement.

This is it as I just noticed the blossom erupting

whitewave Sat 29-Apr-17 18:03:57

I am envy I have a pot grown wisteria which is 2 years old and no flowers yet. Your looks delightful.

tanith Sat 29-Apr-17 18:01:48

A pity her finger got in the way wink

tanith Sat 29-Apr-17 17:59:27

I just want to show off my Wisteria, my daughter kindly went out and took the pics as I'm on crutches after my Total-Hip-Replacement last week and I didn't think balancing on crutches trying to take pics with the iPad was a very bright idea grin