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St Ives

(7 Posts)
Lisagran Fri 16-Nov-18 08:44:18

Stayed in St Ives last month for a few days for my birthday (70 - how did that happen?!) - such wonderful light there smile

lemongrove Fri 16-Nov-18 08:48:35

Good pic Lisa we try and visit there every year or so, lovely place, and we go in and out of all the little art ‘galleries’ so much to look at.
If we had the money would buy a holiday cottage in the narrow streets above the beach, and saunter down to the water every morning.
Happy belated 70th!

Lisagran Fri 16-Nov-18 09:02:03

Thanks lemongrove. I absolutely loved it - had been before, but not for many years. I imagine it might be a bit hellish in the summer though! We were in an Airbnb place just above the beach - a delight! Might go back in the Spring in our campervan

lemongrove Fri 16-Nov-18 09:04:49

We went in May, busy but not too bad.Those pics would make lovely artworks, I am a hopeless photo taker and they invariably come out all wrong, or wobbly.

Lisagran Fri 16-Nov-18 09:07:15

I have an iPhone, which more or less takes the photos itself smile

lemongrove Fri 16-Nov-18 09:08:53

Madeira, another place I would like a holiday home.

Jane10 Fri 16-Nov-18 09:16:44

Madeira is lovely lemongrove. We have a timeshare there but don't use it every year. We're going back next June but were disappointed to hear that it's been increasingly built up. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater? We'd loved it's old fashioned charm. Sigh.