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Product tests and surveys

   Please note: This topic is for your comments and feedback on Product Tests and Surveys being run by Gransnet. It is not the place to post (or ask for) comments on other products or to post your own surveys. If you do this, your comments may be deleted. If you'd like to run your own product test or survey, please email [email protected]. If you are an entrepreneur or start-up and would like to ask for some feedback, please visit our media requests topic here

Social media for child health information - £50 prize draw

(3 Posts)
MaxHayes Tue 30-Mar-21 13:29:18

Hello parents and grandparents of Gransnet,

I am inviting you to take part in this short survey to help me with my final year project about the use of social medias and forums for children's health. This will take 10 minutes to complete.

There is an opportunity to win a £50 Amazon voucher by entering your email at the end and your help is greatly appreciated.

Please clickthis linkif you wish to participate:

Many thanks and I hope you are all well during these times,

Max Hayes

NotSpaghetti Mon 05-Apr-21 16:38:05

This is for PARENTS not Grandparents unless you have children actually living with you.

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