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Nervous tics, DH!

(19 Posts)
BluebellGran Mon 28-Aug-17 13:24:05

Love my DH dearly and want to help. He's shrugged one shoulder as long as I've known him - over 30 years - but now he twitches one side of his mouth and frequently makes a popping noise as he opens and closes the corner, especially when playing games on his iPad, but at other times too. When I've told him he's doing it, he says he does it because his shoulder aches!! And the mouth thing because he has something in his teeth, but he says he can't stop it because he doesn't know he's doing it.
I don't go on at him all the time, just occasionally and always kindly, but I know friends and family notice it but are too kind to say.
I don't want people to think him odd.
Any thoughts and advice please? Thanks

BluebellGran Mon 28-Aug-17 13:25:36

And don't laugh! I'm serious.

Lisalou Mon 28-Aug-17 14:23:37

I think loads of people have little tics, i tend to move one foot and it drives many of my nearest and dearest bonkers. My father used to click his finger nails against each other, my mother could have cheerfully strangled him, at times. We all have our little things, and your DH is right. I dont know when i am doing the foot thing, but it is no less irritating to my DH!

tanith Mon 28-Aug-17 14:28:57

One of my grandsons did the one shoulder shrug for a long time, doctor/psychiatrist told my daughter it was stress related (he was extremely shy) they wanted to do cognitive therapy but she declined. He eventually grew out of it when he got to his teens and now is a 6' confidant 19yr old.

If he's been doing it for so long people that matter will know that it's just part of him would he want any treatment at this stage of life?

TriciaF Mon 28-Aug-17 17:36:12

Nervous tics are very resistant to change, from my experience. Especially if they've gone on so long.
No harm in pointing out to him that you've noticed it, but if he does wish to change he has to make the effort himself.
There are much worse things to be worried about. Better to be thought 'odd' than to be thought nasty or dishonest or a Casanova.
I know that I'm 'odd'.

TriciaF Mon 28-Aug-17 17:37:55

ps but if he's beginning to adopt more tics maybe try to have a private word with his GP.

BlueBelle Mon 28-Aug-17 19:32:38

I m a foot ( leg) jiggler when sitting I drive my daughter wild I m often told to 'please keep your leg still'

BluebellGran Tue 29-Aug-17 08:44:43

Thank you everyone. I'm reassured. I will tell him when he's doing the mouth thing I think as it's the most obvious, and less established. Loving him, and showing I love him is the best treatment of his funny little ways!

annsixty Tue 29-Aug-17 09:16:43

My H did the mouth thing, not only was it very annoying ,it was also very embarrassing. I would tell him, which he didn't like, but it didn't stop him. Suddenly I realised he had stopped. I hope it comes sooner rather than later for you and him.

pollyperkins Tue 29-Aug-17 10:24:46

My DH tells me off for twiddling my thumbs - I dont know Im doing it!

NemosMum Tue 29-Aug-17 10:34:09

I was a Speech and Language Therapist. I did have patients of all ages who consulted me because of vocal/verbal tics, often associated with other physical tics. Most people have minor tics which are not even recognised as such - just part of you! Tics can be temporarily suppressed (voluntary control for a short time), and it's true that some developmental tics just fade away over time. However, in older adults, acquisition of new tics which are troublesome should prompt a word with the GP. Probably nothing to worry about, but worth seeking reassurance. Please don't make the person feel they are to blame!

Jennylynn Tue 29-Aug-17 13:28:13

My partner of 14 years 'blows' (like one does when you blow out candles), not all of the time but most of the time. I think it is either a habit or stress related. I have mentioned it to him a few times but he says it is because he is breathless. I make sure he has a full medical every year to make sure he is in good health, so I don't think it is serious). I don't mention it anymore because if it is stress related, I don't want him to start feeling self conscious.

lovebeigecardigans1955 Tue 29-Aug-17 16:08:40

We all have our funny little habits, don't we? My BIL does a little nervous sweep of his head as though he's trying to flip aside a over-long fringe (non-existent) and face twitches. I ignore them.
I bet if I could put a hidden camera in, say, the telly to watch me as I'm viewing I'd find that I have a few irritating habits too.

nanaK54 Tue 29-Aug-17 17:39:52

My DH sometimes makes odd noises from his throat (his mum does it too) I always ask him to stop it straight away as I am sure that somewhere in the long distant past when I was training I learned '3 weeks of any behaviour then it becomes a habit'

Magrithea Tue 29-Aug-17 18:10:45

DH has the habit of clearing his throat constantly. I can find him in a shop by the sound! He was checked by ENT who found nothing but internet research found a useful paper which I printed and gave to him - it's a habit that he seems to be working on breaking now he understands it.

Re his sore shoulder perhaps he could have some physio to sort it out.

Morgana Tue 29-Aug-17 21:58:42

After a nasty fall D.H. developed a nasty facial tic which got worse and worse as he became more embarrassed about it. Docs suggested bo to X. !
We paid for acupuncture and the tic went after a few sessions

maddy629 Wed 30-Aug-17 08:09:28

My husband sometimes clicks his finger nails together, it annoys me slightly but it doesn't worry me. I agree with lovebeigecardigans1955, I'm sure I have some irritating habits also.

jusnoneed Wed 30-Aug-17 08:15:49

I have just told my OH to stop tapping his foot, he just lifts the front of his foot and bumps it down on the floor. Every 10 - 15 seconds he does it again. I saw it going up again but he realised and moved his leg lol. He went through a stage of doing this a while back, nearly drove me a round the bend.
Another one he gets from time to time is sniffing, one sniff... pause... sniff...pause ... aarrgh!

Zandra01 Fri 01-Sep-17 20:12:55

Tourette my son has it. They can't help it.
Can get worse with stress