Gransnet forums


Practical support with estrangement...

(2 Posts)
Aquamarine Sun 17-Nov-19 20:44:06

I've been seeking support with not seeing my grandchild , estrangement as such. I miss my grandchild dreadfully and have felt incredibly sad and wanting strategies to help me cope. Standalone is a charity supporting families with estrangement. Went to a really useful workshop today in Sheffield , helping families cope with Christmas and the festive season. Please please use this support organisation , I found it really helpful. They have useful literature too. Just thought it may help some of you.

Smileless2012 Mon 18-Nov-19 13:58:02

Only just seen your post Aquamarine and wanted to thank you for sharing what I'm sure many will find helpful.

I'm so sorry that you are estranged from your GC. We're estranged from our only GC and have been for 7 years. I'm thankful that we never really had the opportunity to bond with the eldest, who we last saw when he was 8 months old, and have never seen the youngest.

My heart goes out to you and all EGP's who have lost the GC they knew and loved because of estrangement.