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Contact with ex

(17 Posts)
vampirequeen Thu 16-Apr-20 20:10:13

He's trying to get back inside your head. Don't let him. He's up to no good.

Gordonbennett Thu 16-Apr-20 15:04:45

Thank you for all your responses, they are much appreciated indeed. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say, just needed some reassurance.

Tangerine Thu 16-Apr-20 11:43:48

I would block him in your position.

tiredoldwoman Thu 16-Apr-20 10:37:33

GB , he's not feeling sorry for you , he's feeling sorry for himself !
Maybe now with these strange times going on he's in reflection of his life with you and feels that it was maybe more comfy than the relationship he's in now ?
Nah, do not respond , do not let him into your head again .
My ex of 36 years phoned me up last week out of the blue , wondering if I was ok , then spent the next 2 hours telling me all about his problems ! Strange creatures indeed ?

Eglantine21 Thu 16-Apr-20 09:42:58

Don’t know where the Get came from. Must check before posting.

Eglantine21 Thu 16-Apr-20 09:42:06

You must get like this little poem I wrote on parting......

“Dear (insert name) thank you very much for having me.
I know I said I wanted to get laid
And you said you were awfully good at doing it.
It seems a shame you didn’t make the grade.

I think the time has come to go our separate ways.
Your ego took a damage we can’t mend.
You thought you were my dream, I woke and saw the light.
It goes to show we never should pretend.

And no for Gods sake, we can’t still be friends! ?

Sparklefizz Thu 16-Apr-20 09:35:24

Gordonbennett My ex was just like him. Remember, your ex is your ex for a reason. He is deceiving this other woman now. Don't let him into your headspace. He will wreck your equilibrium.

You've been strong before, and you can be strong now. Block him!

Chewbacca Thu 16-Apr-20 09:32:20

You bruised his ego when you dumped him Gordonbennett and he's still smarting; maybe because no one else has done what you were wise enough to do. I can almost guarantee that if you were to allow him one tiny foot back in the door, he will not have changed one iota and in a few months time you'd be back at square one. Block his number and ask your kids to do the same.

Eglantine21 Thu 16-Apr-20 09:19:34

Oh dear, Gordonbennett, I think I know him. Even down to the CD! One of my less successful forays into relationships ?

My dear, he’s delusional. He can’t really believe that you’re still not hankering after him, how can you not wish you were still with his wonderful self?

Block him. Return post unopened. Rejoice that you got away.

He’ll still think you’re pining for him...........

Daisymae Thu 16-Apr-20 09:13:55

Yes, block him. Sounds like you are one of his bits on the side that you suspected he had when he was with you. This is a game that you don't have to participate in.

tickingbird Thu 16-Apr-20 08:17:41

Having known someone with similar behaviour, I’d agree with others. He’s hedging his bets and keeping the door open. You’re a fallback for him and he, undoubtedly, had others whilst with you. Block him, no good will ever come from a man like him.

Kalu Thu 16-Apr-20 08:17:27

Don’t allow him into your head again. You are in a position whether to allow this contact or not, if not, Block him!

travelsafar Thu 16-Apr-20 08:02:58

Is he 'hedging his bets' maybe his new relationship is not as good as he would like.????

Davidhs Thu 16-Apr-20 07:25:46

He is history, block him, don’t encourage him to make you look backwards, look to the future.

Ginny42 Thu 16-Apr-20 07:23:01

Speaking from experience - block him. He's attempting to keep doors open. Slam them shut.

tanith Thu 16-Apr-20 07:11:36

If you really want him out of your life then block his number and throw the cards away it’s not difficult.

Gordonbennett Thu 16-Apr-20 07:03:14

Good morning all. I haven’t posted in a very long time, but I have an issue that I just cannot shake off, and would like some sage opinions/advice.

I split from my ex July 2018 after 7 years, the relationship wasn’t good in my opinion. I was never really attracted to him, but thought it would ‘grow’ as we had a lot in common, however, his personality was a difficult one, and therefore that ‘growth’ never happened. I caught him out in several lies (mostly about women) he was very secretive and protective of his phone. Eventually I could not continue any longer, and ended the relationship. He Pursued me trying to get me back/change my mind, this time I had the resolve to stick to it, and a weight lifted off me immediately, to this day I am glad with my decision, and I never intended any further friendship with him.

Now to my ‘issue’. He has been in a relationship for over a year, so well established I’d say. He ‘keeps in touch’hmm every so often by a text, sends me birthday/Christmas cards. And for Valentine’s Day sent me a homemade CD of my favourite band! He sends my adult children cards (they tolerated him, no relationship) and the most recent text about our welfare during the COVID lockdown, he mentions meeting up with me and my kids afterconfused

I don’t understand any of this behaviour, I doubt his girlfriend knows any of this and sure she would be displeased if she did?!

Why is he doing these things if he is in a relationship? Controlling me? Does he feel sorry for me? It’s causing me to think about him more than the odd fleeting moment.

Would appreciate some opinions here.