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Grandparents as childcare providers - the new norm?

A survey by Gransnet finds that one in six has quit their job to look after their grandchildren.

grandparents and childcare

Read the full survey results below.


On how many days per week - in a normal week - do your look after your grandchild(ren)? (If this changes, please choose the one that applies most often.)
Less than 1 2 %
1 19 %
2 26 %
3 12 %
4 6 %
5 6 %
6 0 %
7 1 %
I don't do regular weekly childcare, but I look after my grandchild/grandchildren in the school holidays 10 %
I don't do regular weekly childcare, but I do ad hoc babysitting/sick days/emergencies 11 %
Never 6 %



If you answered 'never' is this because of: (Tick all that apply.)
Living far away from your grandchildren 62 %
Looking after another grandchild/another set of grandchildren 0 %
Work commitments 10 %
Ill health/physical constraints 10 %
Estrangement 7 %
They no longer need babysitting, but I used to 5 %
Don’t feel it’s your responsibility 8 %
Other 7 %



If you have been asked to provide childcare and refused, how have your children reacted? If this has happened on more than one occasion, please think about the most recent.
They were disappointed, but understood my reasons 28 %
There was temporary argument/breakdown in communication which we’ve since resolved 3 %
There is long-term tension in our relationship 1 %
We are estranged because of it 1 %
N/A - have never been asked for childcare and refused 63 %
Other 4 %



Some grandparents contribute financially toward expenses of or for their grandchildren. Which, if any, of the following do you (and your husband/partner if applicable) contribute to for your grandchildren? Tick all that apply.
Toys/games (aside from at Christmas/birthdays etc) 48 %
Other clothing 43 %
Food 32 %
Holidays 25 %
Shoes 24 %
Have savings accounts for them (long-term) 24 %
Pocket money 21 %
Swimming/ballet/tennis/music lessons etc 18 %
School uniform 18 %
Coats 15 %
Childcare 10 %
Flights 5 %
Schooling 2 %
University tuition 0 %
Nothing 14 %
Other 10 %



What are the best things about your childcare arrangement? You can tick up to 3 best things.
The closeness between me/us and grandchildren 82 %
Knowing that my grandchildren are with someone who loves them 61 %
Flexibility, convenience and peace of mind for the parents 45 %
I/we can give my children attention in a way that the parents don’t have time for 23 %
It’s the only way the parents could afford to go back to work 20 %
Passing on my/our wisdom and experience to grandchildren 17 %
The money the parents save 16 %
Don't know 3 %
Other 4 %



How do you feel about the arrangement you have for looking after your grandchildren? Tick any that apply.
It's an amazing chance to spend time with my grandchildren 63 %
I’m happy to help out my son/daughter/SIL/DIL 62 %
It’s a big commitment, but I’m happy to do it 47 %
Taken for granted 7 %
I feel out of pocket 3 %
It’s a big commitment and I resent doing it 1 %
Other 5 %
Not stated 5 %



What about costs...Are you paid to look after your grandchildren? Are you given ad hoc gifts or treats (i.e. a bottle of wine or night out) to say thank you? Are your expenses incurred when looking after grandchildren repaid/paid for?
Paid a set rate  
Yes 3 %
No 77 %
Don't know 0 %
N/A 19 %
Given gifts  
Yes 31 %
No 52 %
Don't know 1 %
N/A 16 %
Paid expenses  
Yes 8 %
No 71 %
Don't know 0 %
N/A 20 %



Irrespective of whether you are paid or not, do you think you should be paid for the regular childcare arrangement?
No, not at all 67 %
Should only pay expenses 23 %
Yes, but less than a childminder/nursery 7 %
Yes - the same as a childminder/nursery 2 %
Yes - more than a childminder/nursery 1 %
Net: yes 10 %



How much do you think you spend on your grandchildren when looking after them? Please answer for term time and school holiday time. If your grandchildren are not yet in school please answer the same for term time and holiday time. Please give an average per day.
In term time  
Nothing spent at all 21 %
Up to £10 per day 45 %
Between £10 and up to £20 per day 7 %
Between £20 and up to £50 per day 1 %
Over £50 per day 0 %
No idea 19 %
Not stated 8 %
In school holiday time  
Nothing spent at all 10 %
Up to £10 per day 38 %
Between £10 and up to £20 per day 20 %
Between £20 and up to £50 per day 6 %
Over £50 per day 1 %
No idea 19 %
Not stated 6 %



Did you give up paid employment/take early retirement in order to help out with the grandchildren?
No 70 %
Yes 15 %
N/A - I haven’t retired/given up work 11 %
N/A - I don’t help out with the grandchildren 4 %



If you answered 'yes' to the question above, do you feel that ...? (Tick all that apply).
The time spent with your grandchildren is well worth it 80 %
I'm happier now I spend time with the grandchildren 51 %
My sacrifice is appreciated 50 %
This is the new norm for my generation 32 %
I’m financially unstable as a result 17 %
I was happier when I was working 4 %



Are there any tensions that arise as a result of your childcare arrangements with your son/daughter/ son in-law/ daughter in-law?
Yes 13 %
No 80 %



For each of the following please say to what extent - if at all - the arrangement for childcare of your grandchildren is the source of tension in your relationship with the parents of the grandchildren, regarding....
Messiness of your house and garden  
Source of a lot of tension 1 %
Source of some tension 12 %
Causes no tension at all 65 %
Not applicable to us 21 %
Messiness of the parents' house and garden  
Source of a lot of tension 2 %
Source of some tension 12 %
Causes no tension at all 61 %
Not applicable to us 24 %
Money - day-to-day costs like toddler groups, meals and trips out  
Source of a lot of tension 0 %
Source of some tension 5 %
Causes no tension at all 71 %
Not applicable to us 24 %
When you take a holiday  
Source of a lot of tension 2 %
Source of some tension 15 %
Causes no tension at all 61 %
Not applicable to us 23 %
Timekeeping - their (e.g they are late arriving/collecting)  
Source of a lot of tension 1 %
Source of some tension 20 %
Causes no tension at all 56 %
Not applicable to us 23 %
How to discipline  
Source of a lot of tension 1 %
Source of some tension 14 %
Causes no tension at all 69 %
Not applicable to us 17 %
Lack of or forms of communication  
Source of a lot of tension 2 %
Source of some tension 18 %
Causes no tension at all 59 %
Not applicable to us 21 %
How and when the childcare arrangements are made  
Source of a lot of tension 1 %
Source of some tension 14 %
Causes no tension at all 66 %
Not applicable to us 19 %
Amount of TV/screen time  
Source of a lot of tension 1 %
Source of some tension 13 %
Causes no tension at all 69 %
Not applicable to us 18 %
Timekeeping - yours (e.g you are late picking up)  
Source of a lot of tension 0 %
Source of some tension 5 %
Causes no tension at all 60 %
Not applicable to us 35 %
Nutritional content of meals and snacks provided by you  
Source of a lot of tension 0 %
Source of some tension 11 %
Causes no tension at all 73 %
Not applicable to us 16 %



How has looking after your grandchildren affected your health?
It keeps me fit 41 %
Not at all 35 %
I’m constantly exhausted 12 %
It’s had an adverse effect on my physical health 3 %
I’ve ended up in hospital because of a serious health scare 0 %
Other 9 %



Do you also provide childcare for any other grandchildren? And if so, does this cause any tension with other members of the family? Tick the option which applies to you.
Yes, we provide childcare for other grandchildren - this does causes tension 5 %
Yes, we provide childcare for other grandchildren but it doesn't cause any tension 28 %
No, do not provide childcare for any other grandchildren 61 %
Not stated 6 %
Net: yes 33 %



If money and availability of quality childcare were no issue, would you still provide childcare?
Yes 60 %
Yes, but I’d want them to split it with other childcare providers 23 %
No 5 %
Don't know 12 %



How many grandchildren do you look after?
One 30 %
Two 37 %
Three 16 %
Four 7 %
Five or more 5 %
Not stated 6 %



Are you female or male?
Female 95 %
Male 5 %



Which of the following describes your normal working status?You can tick more than one if applicable
Full-time paid employment 8 %
Full-time self-employed 2 %
Part-time paid employment 15 %
Part-time self-employed 5 %
Student 0 %
Stay at home parent/do not work/not seeking work 5 %
Carer 3 %
Retired 57 %
Unemployed, looking for work 1 %
On sick leave/unable to work 4 %
Volunteer e.g for charity/local groups 6 %
Other 2 %
Not stated 1 %



Gransnet.com survey of 988 Gransnet users that ran between 31 May and 7 September 2017. The data is not weighted.