Egg and leek potato pie recipe

Egg and leek potato pie recipe from Blueanne

Category Budget recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep timeNot stated
Cook timeNot stated

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Quantity depends on number being fed
Hard boiled eggs - one and half for each person
Potatoes - boiled and mashed - again to suit number being fed
One large leek, chopped and poached in milk & strained, then mixed with mashed potatoes
Reserve the milk for the sauce and make up to half pint for sauce
30g (1oz) cornflour
30g (1oz) butter
30g (1oz) cheddar cheese


1. Make cheese sauce with the milk, cornflour, butter, cheese and seasoning.
2. Put mashed potatoes and leek around a large oven proof dish.
3. Take shells off eggs, half eggs and arrange in the centre of dish surrounded by potato & leek mix.
4. Pour sauce over eggs. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put under grill until cheese melted. Garnish with parsley if you wish.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Blueanne on Tue 05-Jul-11 13:22:49 Overall rating: 0.0