Coffee date dessert recipe

Coffee date dessert recipe from shodatin

egg free nut free kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Dessert recipes
ServesFour small portions
Prep time10 minutes mins
Cook timeStand overnight mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


250ml strong, black coffee - espresso is ideal
1 packet semi-dried dates
6 cardamom pods
Ice cream or Greek yoghurt to serve

Handy Hint

Four people would get five dates each with this quantity, which is actually enough, but it's easy to increase quantities.


1. Starting the day before you want to eat it, stone the dates, trying to keep them whole and place them in shallow glass dish (about 20 dates).
2. Take seeds from cardamom pods and grind them, using pestle and mortar, end of rolling pin, etc and throw away pod, then sprinkle cardomom powder over dates, before adding the strong black coffee.
3. Leaving this dish 24 hours or so gives time for coffee and sugary dates to merge, making a kind of scented sauce with enlarged dates, which is a really good grown-up pudding served in small
dishes or glasses with ice cream or thick yoghurt.

gransnetter Reviews

From: shodatin on Wed 03-Aug-11 17:05:34 Overall rating: 0.0