Mediterranean fish bake recipe

Mediterranean fish bake recipe from pjo77

egg free gluten free nut free kids can help
Category Fish and seafood recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time40 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Olive oil
1 large sliced onion
2 fresh chopped tomatoes
1 bay leaf
1 large tin chopped tomatoes
1 mashed clove of garlic
1 tsp crushed fennel
250 ml dry white wine
½ tsp dried thyme
Juice from one orange
½ tsp dried oregano
1 tbsp freshly grated orange peel
1 tsp dried basil
juice from half a lemon
black pepper
½ kg cod
100g mild grated cheese of choice
12 peeled king prawns
Grated Parmesan
Enough par-boiled sliced potato to line a casserole dish

Handy Hint

Substitute cod with fish of your choice.


1. Line a casserole dish with the slices of par boiled potatoes.
2. Gently fry the sliced onion in olive oil until the onion is soft and golden.
3. Stir in all the remaining ingredients except the cod and prawns and cheese.
Simmer uncovered for 20 minutes.
4. Remove the intestines from the prawns.
5. Place the cod and prawns in a casserole dish cover with the sauce.
6. Bake for 15 minutes at 190 C / Gas Mark 5
7. Top with grated cheese and grill for 5 minutes.
8. Sprinkle with black pepper and Parmesan cheese either in the casserole or at the table to suit individual taste.

Serve with a side salad.

gransnetter Reviews

From: pjo77 on Sat 06-Aug-11 12:40:04 Overall rating: 0.0