Beef kofta recipe

Beef kofta recipe from Christabel

dairy free gluten free nut free kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze
Category Meat recipes
Prep time15 mins
Cook time5 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1kg ground beef
2.5cm (1") ginger grated
2 cloves garlic
3 shallots
2 tsp cumin
1 chilli optional - to taste
1/2 tsp cinnamon
handful fresh breadcrumbs (2 slices)
1 egg

Handy Hint

Could be made gluten free by using gluten free bread


1. Mix ingredients together by hand in a large bowl. Leave to stand in the fridge overnight.
2. Shape to form little patties or place on skewers and cook.

Excellent on BBQ

gransnetter Reviews

From: Christabel on Sat 06-Aug-11 14:18:23 Overall rating: 0.0
This is really tasty BBQ food and make a change from the standard BBQ fare.