Varietyfry recipe

Varietyfry recipe from quillfinger

kids can help
Category Starter recipes
Serves2-4 according to size of frying pan
Prep time10 mins
Cook time10-15 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Cooked sausage or chicken
Boiled potato
Bacon bits
Black pepper
Cooking oil

Handy Hint

Save the rest of the chorizo sausage for another meal, not much is needed to add flavour.


1. Heat some oil in a non-stick frying pan, then cook the sliced mushrooms, sliced pepper, whichever leftover cooked meats you have, the potatoes (cut into appropriate size), the sliced tomatoes, bacon bits, thin slices of chorizo, herbs. (Add them in this order to make sure they all cook)
2. Add plenty of black pepper when almost ready.

Serve with tomato sauce or a spicy relish.
Quantities depend on what you have in the fridge or garden!

gransnetter Reviews

From: quillfinger on Tue 23-Aug-11 14:19:01 Overall rating: 0.0
Uses leftovers and can be adapted according to the ingredients you have. Most vegetables can be fried up with this mixture. It's never the same twice!