Cinnamon eggy bread recipe

Cinnamon eggy bread recipe from nanapug

nut free kids can help vegetarian low fat
Category Baby and toddler recipes
Prep time10 mins mins
Cook time8 mins mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


2 pieces of sliced bread
2 medium eggs
2 tbsp milk (optional)
Oil or butter for frying
Sugar to taste (approx 2 tbsp)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Handy Hint

This is an excellent way to get children to eat eggs without them realising!!!


1. Beat the eggs well and add milk if you are using it.
2. In a separate bowl combine the sugar and cinnamon.
3. Soak the bread slices until all the egg is absorbed, turning them over to absorb on both sides.
4. Heat oil (or butter) and fry eggy bread on both sides until golden.
5. Put cooked bread on a flat plate and cover both sides in sugar and cinnamon mixture.
6. Cut into small pieces and serve.

gransnetter Reviews

From: nanapug on Mon 29-Aug-11 16:44:49 Overall rating: 0.0
My grand children love this recipe, and it is very quick, easy, economical and nutritious. It is delicious served with chopped banana.