Nutty bread sauce recipe

Nutty bread sauce recipe from mischief

egg free kids can help can make in advance
Category Christmas recipes
Prep timeUp to 30 mins
Cook time10 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1 large onion, peeled
A few whole cloves
Bay leaf
1/2 litre (1 pint) milk
28g (1oz) butter
225g (8oz) fresh white breadcrumbs
Pinch nutmeg
56g (2oz) chopped mixed nuts
8 tbsp (¼ pint) single cream
A few chopped nuts & sprigs of parsley for garnish

Handy Hint

Can be made in advance. I haven't tried freezing it but if you added the cream after it had thawed I don't see why it shouldn't freeze. Must try it this year.


1. Stud the onion with cloves and place in a pan with the bay leaf and milk. Heat gently to boiling point and turn off the heat.
2. Stand for 15-30 mins to allow flavour to infuse.
3. Strain into clean pan and stir in butter, breadcrumbs, nutmeg and nuts.
4. Cook gently until it thickens then stir in the cream. Serve hot and garnish.

Easy peasy!

gransnetter Reviews

From: mischief on Fri 04-Nov-11 13:40:20 Overall rating: 0.0
It's the only bread sauce my family will eat.