Bread sauce recipe

Bread sauce recipe from eGJ

egg free nut free can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Christmas recipes
Prep time5 mins
Cook time20 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1/2 litre (1 pint) milk
1 large onion
170g (6oz) fresh breadcrumbs
40g (1½ oz) butter
3 Cloves
Salt and pepper
Extra knob of butter
2 or 3 tbsp cream or top of the milk

Note - Do not use a sliced loaf for this sauce, as the breadcrumbs win not have enough body.

Handy Hint

Freezes wonderfully! Make this in early December and get ahead!!


1. Stick the cloves in the onion and simmer in the milk for 15 minutes.
2. Take out the onion and pour the milk over the breadcrumbs. Add the seasoning and the butter and cook gently for a further 5 minutes or so, stirring from time to time. Do not overcook, as the sauce should have a roughish consistency. For this reason also we do not recommend making it in a blender.

To freeze: cool and freeze in waxed or plastic containers.

To serve after freezing: turn the frozen sauce into a heavy sauce-
pan or a double pan. Add a knob of butter and a spoonful or
two of the top of the milk or cream, and heat gently. Add more
salt if necessary and - very important - plenty of freshly
ground pepper.

gransnetter Reviews

From: eGJ on Fri 04-Nov-11 14:48:23 Overall rating: 0.0