Seafood risotto recipe

Seafood risotto recipe from purple

dairy free egg free
Category Fish and seafood recipes
Prep time10 minutes mins
Cook time25-40 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


350g risotto rice
I onion (peeled and chopped)
2 tbsp olive oil
I glass white wine
1 litre vegetable stock
400-650g mixed seafood (fish pie mix from most supermarkets, frozen seafood mix - eg: salmon, cod, smoked haddock, prawns, mussels, squid etc)
1 bunch coriander (chopped)
2 lemons


1. Fry onions in oil until they begin to brown
2. Add rice and stir for a couple of minutes
3. Add wine and stir till evaporated
4. Add stock gradually and cook according to instructions on packet (usually 25-40 mins)
5. In the meantime lightly stirfry seafood in a little olive oil until almost cooked and season to taste
6. Add to the rice about 5 mins before the end of rice cooking time
7. Pile on to a large plate, add coriander and serve with lemon wedges

gransnetter Reviews

From: purple on Thu 22-Dec-11 21:12:43 Overall rating: 0.0