Leeks and egg à la crème recipe

Leeks and egg à la crème recipe from glammanana

kids can help vegetarian low fat
Category Vegetables and sides recipes
Serves4 (easy to adapt)
Prep time3/5mins mins
Cook time15 mins mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


15g butter
2 medium leeks (sliced thinly)
A good pinch nutmeg
4 small/medium eggs
Salt & black pepper
6 tbsp whipping cream

Handy Hint

Freeze the remaining cream for use with soups etc. This dish is super for lunch or a very quick starter in an emergency.Serve with baked pots for a more substantial meal.


1. Pre-heat oven 190C/375F. Melt butter in a pan and cook leeks gently for 3-5 mins until softened but not browned.
2. Add 3 tbsp cream to leeks and cook for a further 5 mins over gentle heat.
3. Season with salt & pepper and nutmeg
4. Place 4 ramekins in a small roasting dish and divide the leeks between the ramekins then break an egg into each dish spooning over the remaining cream.
5. Using boiling water fill the roasting dish half way up the ramekins and place in the oven for 10 mins until set.

gransnetter Reviews

From: glammanana on Thu 05-Jan-12 17:24:39 Overall rating: 0.0
I use this recipe quite often it is easy and cheap to do and can be made with low fat ingredients,very good for emergency dinner party or for when people turn up unexpected,nice lunch time meal,extras can be added as to your choice ie mushrooms sweetcorn etc.