No fail sponge cake recipe

No fail sponge cake recipe from Hattiehelga

nut free kids can help can make in advance ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Cakes and biscuits recipes
Serves3 egg version will serve 12/14.
Prep time15 mins approx. mins
Cook time15/20 - 30 mins but depends on oven/size of cake mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


This is probably well known, but I found it only recently when I was looking for a recipe for a large birthday cake for a three year old. It was very successful and I have since used it several times, always to much acclaim!

Quite simply - for each egg used, add 50g each - butter, sugar, flour. I usually add a dash of vanilla flavouring. Use a filling of your own choice. I normally use jam and fresh cream or jam and butter cream.

Handy Hint

I have based tin size, temperature and length of cooking on 3 egg version in one tin, then split to fill. More/less egg versions or cooking it in two smaller sandwich tins will affect cooking time


As normal -

1. Cream butter and sugar
2. Add eggs and mix well
3. Add vanilla if using
4. Add flour and mix together well.
5. Pour into 30cm/12" baking tin and bake at 190C/Gas 5.
6. Takes about 30 minutes (varies according to number of eggs etc) but when skewer comes out clean, it's cooked.
NOTE see handy hint about sizes

gransnetter Reviews

From: Hattiehelga on Thu 12-Jan-12 16:58:57 Overall rating: 0.0
Good if you are in a hurry.