Bacon panini recipe

Bacon panini recipe from mjord

nut free kids can help
Category Breakfast recipes
Prep time5 mins
Cook time15 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1 panini roll
2 rashers smoked bacon
1 tomato, sliced
4 mushrooms sliced
1 egg (optional)

Handy Hint

I use a griddle, but it can be done in a pan


1. Toast the panini
2. Cook the bacon until crispy. Add mushrooms and tomato, cook for 2 minutes. If having an egg, break it onto the griddle, break the egg and cook on both sides.
3. Pile everything onto the panini - add sauce & enjoy!

gransnetter Reviews

From: mjord on Fri 13-Jan-12 14:53:12 Overall rating: 0.0
It's a sunday morning brunch treat!