Salmon with pesto and white wine recipe

Salmon with pesto and white wine recipe from cg

egg free gluten free
Category Fish and seafood recipes
Prep time2 (plus marinating time) mins
Cook time15 - 20 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


2 salmon fillets
1 jar pesto (basil, red pepper and aubergine all work well)
150ml white wine


1. Mix approx half jar of pesto with the wine and pour over the salmon.
2. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.
3. Place salmon fillets in a roasting tin and reserve remaining marinade.
4. Cook for 15-20 minutes depending on size of fillets.
5. Half way through spoon over some of the marinade. Serve with salad and new potatoes or, alternatively, on a bed of lemon couscous.

gransnetter Reviews

From: cg on Fri 16-Mar-12 12:36:50 Overall rating: 0.0