Rice pudding with grated chocolate recipe

Rice pudding with grated chocolate recipe from francesb

egg free gluten free nut free kids can help vegetarian
Category Dessert recipes
Prep time2 mins
Cook time30 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


75g pudding rice
900ml milk
55g caster sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
100g chocolate (grated)


1. Put all the ingredients except the chocolate in a heavy-based pan and bring to the boil, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar.
2. Reduce the heat and simmer for 25 mins or until the rice is tender, stirring regularly to prevent sticking.
3. Spoon into serving bowls and sprinkle with the grated chocolate while warm, so it melts into the pudding.

gransnetter Reviews

From: francesb on Sat 24-Mar-12 16:26:53 Overall rating: 0.0