Prawn vol au vents recipe

Prawn vol au vents recipe from libra10

gluten free nut free kids can help can make in advance
Category Christmas recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time10 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


18 ready made vol au vent cases
1 packet cheese sauce
Handful of frozen prawns (defrosted).
8 tbsp (1/4 pint) milk

Handy Hint

Can add a little Philadelphia cream cheese for added taste.


1. Bake the vol au vent cases (as directed on the packet). When cool, slice off the lids.
2. Mix some of the sauce mix with a little milk and cook it as directed on packet.
3. Chop the prawns and add to cooled sauce. Fill cases then replace the lids. Heat until the prawns are cooked through and serve.

gransnetter Reviews

From: libra10 on Mon 09-Apr-12 15:09:51 Overall rating: 0.0
Although quickly made this dish always tastes 'home made', and goes down a treat at parties and celebrations.