White chocolate and raspberry waffle pudding recipe

White chocolate and raspberry waffle pudding recipe from mooshimanda

nut free kids can help can make in advance
Category Dessert recipes
ServesShould serve about 8-10 but quite possible to eat
Prep timeNot stated
Cook time20-25 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1 egg
1tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp icing sugar
1 tbsp plain flour
500ml pot creme fraiche
400g caster sugar
200g white chocolate
2 packs of sweet waffles (can be found in the bread aisle)

Handy Hint

Don't eat the chocolate when making this - you need it!


1. Chop the waffles into 4 pieces then line the dish with them. If there's enough left over, stand them up around the edges of the dish to make a wall.
2. Chuck half the raspberries onto the waffles
then grate the bar of chocolate. Unless you have a decent grater this is more difficult
than you think as it melts in your hand! Put half the chocolate on top of the raspberries
3. Now put another layer of waffles on top then another layer of grated chocolate as before
4. Now in a mixing bowl add everything else and mix together. This should be the creme fraiche, an egg, a teaspoon of vanilla essence, tablespoon of plain flour, caster sugar and icing sugar. Mix it well together then pour over.
5. Then bake it in the oven for 20-25mins

gransnetter Reviews

From: mooshimanda on Thu 12-Apr-12 23:39:57 Overall rating: 0.0
Every time I have made this someone asks for the recipe. Also washing up hardly required as bowl is generally licked clean.