Sensational sausage casserole recipe

Sensational sausage casserole recipe from sdr326

dairy free egg free nut free can make in advance slow cooker
Category Meat recipes
Serves4 generous portions
Prep time15 mins
Cook time90 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


6 good quality sausages
2 tins chopped tomatoes
1 tin haricot beans (drained)
250ml beef stock
1 red pepper (cut into small cubes)
10 baby new potatoes (cut in half)
2 carrots (cut into small cubes)
1/2 onion (chopped finely)
1 bay leaf
1 sprinkle of chilli powder
Splash of olive oil

Handy Hint

Make this in the morning and leave cooking slowly throughout the day for a lovely warming meal to come home to in the evening


1. Fry off the sausages and cut in half
2. Fry off the onion, carrots and pepper for a couple of minutes and add to the cooked sausages in a large casserole pan
3. add the baby new potatoes, the chopped tomatoes and haricot beans as well as the beef stock. Stir well and pop in a bay leaf and a sprinkle of chilli powder
4. Simmer gently for a minimum of 1.5 hours and serve with crusty bread

gransnetter Reviews

From: sdr326 on Wed 23-May-12 21:03:12 Overall rating: 0.0