Bacon risotto recipe

Bacon risotto recipe from ottoline

egg free nut free
Category Budget recipes
Prep time5 mins
Cook time20 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
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Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


3 rashers of bacon
150g risotto rice
700ml vegetable stock
50g frozen peas (or other veg, broccoli is nice too)
Sprinkle of parmesan

Handy Hint

Too make it extra cheesy add grated parmesan at the same time as the peas.


1. Chop up the bacon into small pieces and fry in a saucepan with a knob of butter.
2. When the bacon is cooked add the stock and rice.
3. Bring to the boil and simmer with the lid on for 15 mins, stirring occasionaly.
4. Add the frozen peas and cook for a further 5 mins.
5. Sprinkle with parmesan and eat straight away.

gransnetter Reviews

From: ottoline on Sun 10-Jun-12 11:11:14 Overall rating: 0.0
Perfect comfort food dish.