Goat's cheese and tomato tart recipe

Goat's cheese and tomato tart recipe from helenthemadex

kids can help can make in advance vegetarian
Category Vegetarian recipes
Prep time10 mins
Cook time25 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Ready-to-roll puff pastry
3 large onions
500g cherry tomatoes
Goats cheese

Handy Hint

You can use red or green pesto depending on personal preference. I like to use red and yellow cherry tomatoes. If you are not keen on goats cheese then you can use mozzarella


1. Roll the puff pastry to an oblong and score edges
2. Spread with pesto, then chop onion into rings or slices and fry in a little oil until cooked.
3. Put the onions on top of the pesto, chop the tomatoes in half and put on top of onions cut side up.
4. Finally slice goats cheese and put on top of the tomatoes. Bake at 200°C/gas mark 6 for about 25 minutes until pastry is golden brown and serve with green salad. It can be eaten hot or cold.

gransnetter Reviews

From: helenthemadex on Thu 21-Jun-12 21:41:33 Overall rating: 0.0