Simple freeze-dried apple recipe

Simple freeze-dried apple recipe from sliceoflime

Category Snack recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep timeNot stated
Cook timeNot stated

gransnetter ratings

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Overall Markn/a


Apples, de-seeded, cored and very thinly sliced.
A cooling rack

Handy Hint

Great as a healthy snack, for breakfast dishes or cake decoration.


1. Ensure your sliced apples are thoroughly dry by placing them between two paper towels.

2. Place the apples so they're not touching each other on the cooling rack.

3.Clear a space in your freezer large enough to hold the rack, and place the apples in your freezer, uncovered.

4. The drying process should take about a week. To check whether they are ready, take one out and defrost it - if the apple retains its colour, it is ready, but if it turns a dark colour, they need more time.

5. Store in airtight container.

gransnetter Reviews

From: sliceoflime on Fri 20-Sep-13 10:59:42 Overall rating: 0.0