Fruit leather recipe

Fruit leather recipe from notquitebabyboomer

kids can help ok to freeze vegetarian
Category Snack recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep timeNot stated
Cook timeNot stated

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Fresh fruit (anything really - nectarines, peaches, plums, berries, apples) All rinsed, peeled, de-stoned, cored and chopped.
Lemon juice
Sugar (if needed, depends on the sharpness of the fruit)
Spices (any you fancy, for example, cinnamon with plum)


1. Place fruit in a large saucepan. Add a half cup of water for every 4 cups of chopped fruit.

2. If the fruit is very sharp, add sugar to taste at this stage.

3. Simmer the fruit for 10-15 mins or until soft and cooked through. Use a potato masher to mash up the fruit. Add the lemon juice and spices to taste. Add more sugar if necessary.

4. Continue to simmer and stir for around another 10 mins, until sugar is completely dissolved and the purée has thickened.

5. Purée further using a handheld blender or food processor until it is very smooth.

6. Line a rimmed baking tray with strong cling film, and pour the mixture into the tray so it is no more than 1/4 inch thick.

7. Let the fruit bake/dehydrate for around 3 hours in a 170 degree oven. It's ready when it's no longer sticky to touch. Let it cool.

8. You should easily be able to peel the leather away from the plastic wrap. Cut it with a pizza cutter and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

gransnetter Reviews

From: notquitebabyboomer on Fri 20-Sep-13 11:18:38 Overall rating: 0.0