Seared salmon and prawn pasta recipe

Seared salmon and prawn pasta recipe from Vicky11

nut free kids can help ok to freeze
Category Fish and seafood recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep time15 mins
Cook time25 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


200g fillet of salmon (cut into thick slices)
16 grey tiger prawns
120g dried pasta shells or 400g fresh pasta shells
1 small onion (chopped)
50g mushrooms (sliced)
1 clove of garlic (chopped)
2 tablespoon diced red pepper
2 tablespoon diced green pepper
100 ml dry white wine
100 ml milk
75g grated matured cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon cornflour
1 handful of chopped fresh herbs
2 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
A few shavings of Parmesan cheese and chopped chives for garnish


1. Put pasta shells in a large pan of boiling water and cook till soften. Drain and set aside.
2. Heat olive oil in a large frying pan. Sear the salmon slices and the tiger prawns quickly to seal in the juice and bring out the colour and flavour. Drain and set aside.
3. With the same pan, sweat the onion and garlic without browning. Add in peppers and mushrooms. Fry for 1 minutes. Sizzle in the white wine. Add in the milk and the grated Cheddar. Bring to the boil. Simmer gently till the cheese is melted.
4. Thicken the sauce with blended cornflour with 1 tablespoon of water. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.
5. Break the seared salmon into big chunks. Add the salmon and prawns to the cheese sauce. Heat through.
6. Stir in the prepared pasta and the fresh herbs. Heat through.
7. Serve hot. Garnish with shavings of Parmesan cheese and chopped chives.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Vicky11 on Mon 18-Nov-13 21:26:50 Overall rating: 0.0
This recipe is healthy and delicious. Both Children and adults love it