Easy puff pastry pizza recipe

Easy puff pastry pizza recipe from Kay568

Category Budget recipes
Prep time20 mins
Cook time30 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
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1 sheet of ready made puff pastry, defrosted if frozen!
Tomato purée for the base
Ham or bacon
Goats cheese (or cheese of your choice)
1 onion


1. Simply spread the pastry out over a large flat baking sheet (you will need a large one unless you want to cut the pastry down to size).
2. Basically, cover with whichever ingredients you fancy, but try to use dryer ones - used tomatoes on the first one and the bottom didn't cook because the juice made it too soggy.
3. Stick in the oven on a medium/high heat and cook until cheese is melted and pastry is golden.
I fry the onions a bit first and add balsamic vinegar.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Kay568 on Fri 22-Nov-13 11:50:33 Overall rating: 0.0