Crab meat pasta recipe

Crab meat pasta recipe from Vicky11

nut free low fat
Category Fish and seafood recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep time5 mins
Cook time6 mins

gransnetter ratings

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Ease of cookingn/a
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150g fresh pasta
1 tin crab meat (170g)
4 tbsp olive oil
1 handful chopped flat parsley
2 tbsp lemon juice
A tbsp chopped fennel
1 clove chopped garlic
100ml white wine


1. Cooked pasta in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain and keep warm.
2. Drain crab meat.
3. Heat olive oil in a pan. Sweat garlic for 1 minute. Add in crab meat, mix well. Add in white wine and then the cooked pasta.
4. Add in fennel and parsley. Season to taste. Serve on a warm plate. Garnish with a sprig of flat parsley.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Vicky11 on Sun 01-Dec-13 23:45:02 Overall rating: 0.0
Very easy pasta dish. Absolutely delicious.