Leftover chocolate cake, banana & blueberry pudding

Leftover chocolate cake, banana & blueberry pudding from thatbags

nut free kids can help can make in advance vegetarian
Category Dessert recipes
Prep time5-10 mins
Cook time25-30 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


5 portions of tray-bake cocolate cake that has a topping of melted chocolate (plain and milk mixed), a dollop of butter and a tablespoon of syrup.

1 ripe banana
2 or 3 handfuls of blueberries
2 eggs
half a pint of whole milk

Handy Hint

No need to add sugar to the custard; the other ingredients are sweet enough. Lovely cold with thick cream or warm with ice-cream.


Peel and slice the banana and spread it in the bottom of a pudding dish (Pyrex casserole type).
Sprinkle the blueberries on top of the banana.
Layer the cake, icing side down, on top of the fruit.

Make a plain custard of the cold milk with the eggs beaten into them and pour it over the pudding.

Bake in a moderate oven (~180°C) until the custard has set and the chocolate icing is bubbling up.

gransnetter Reviews

From: thatbags on Fri 19-May-17 14:26:37 Overall rating: 0.0