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Good Morning Thursday

(14 Posts)
dustyangel Thu 11-Feb-16 11:23:40

Good morning all, I'm back in the Algarve now and it's cloudy and wet. Mild compared to the UK so weeds wild flowers are growing all over the garden but very damp and chilly inside our old house.
I'm off out to a group lunch soon with a slightly late pancake race threatened for after lunch. hmm

Imperfect27 Thu 11-Feb-16 09:51:39

Good morning all - a late start for me as /I slept in after a very broken night. YNinathenana what lovely sunshine!!

Had a lovely day with D and GS yesterday - another bargainous charity shop: 2 dresses and a lovely M&S jacket so have choices for my interview tomorrow.

Cleaning the house from top to bottom over the next 2 days (spot the procrastination) as baby coming to stay this weekend. Loathe housework, but a good incentive!

Have a good day everyone xx

NanaandGrampy Thu 11-Feb-16 09:20:38

Morning !

The sky is laced with blue again this morning in Essex and the daffs are out in the garden. Funny how a sprinkle of sunshine makes you feel better .

Greyduster Thu 11-Feb-16 09:12:47

Good morning Michael and all GN's. Nice and bright here in South Yorkshire but 'nitherin'! There's a good Yorkshire word for you. Going over to see GS today; it's his birthday! Enjoy your day, folks.

hildajenniJ Thu 11-Feb-16 08:11:51

Good morning everyone.
It is dry, bright and sunny in the Tyne Valley, cold though at -2°c. I just passed an accident on the road on my way home. It looks like four cars involved, not much damage, and all the people appear uninjured, just shocked!
Bedding to wash today as my old dog was incontinent of urine during the night. (She sleeps on the bottom of my bed). She can be forgiven as she is 17 in July.

NfkDumpling Thu 11-Feb-16 08:08:10

Yep, Pittcity, a definite theme!

NfkDumpling Thu 11-Feb-16 08:06:01

Morning All

A chilly, sunny morning here. Frost on everything in the garden so it's all sparkly and pretty. From indoors it's lovely! Nothing planned other than a trip into town to the library, bank, computer shop, coffee shop. May get into the garden this afternoon and dig the veggie plot a bit. I do so love retirement!

Have a good day Everyone.

Pittcity Thu 11-Feb-16 08:03:55

Good morning from a cold and frosty Colchester. I have to get some supplies in today, seems to be a theme developing here.

Badenkate Thu 11-Feb-16 08:00:45

Morning everyone. Still in bed, but believe it's fairly cold out there in N Shropshire. IW committee meeting this morning, and waiting for my new breadmaker to arrive today. If it comes this morning, we'll go to a nearby ( Cheshire) mill to buy some flour - it also apparently has a tearoom. Always a good reason for going anywhere ?

ninathenana Thu 11-Feb-16 07:57:11

Morning all
Frosty start in N Kent. Looks like we'll get some sun.
DS's birthday today so we're taking him out for a meal tonight.

riclorian Thu 11-Feb-16 07:38:21

Hi, everyone !What a lovely morning here in Hampshire ,-2 but bright and beautiful .
I feel it will be a good day and wish you all the same .

kittylester Thu 11-Feb-16 07:20:15

Good morning! It is quite a bright start in North Leicestershire but it is quite cold.

I am going to spend today in a state of confusion. I usually go to Sainsbury's on Thursday morning but we have a library committee meeting and I will have to shop this afternoon - how will I cope?

Enjoy your Thursdays everyone.sunshine

nannotgran Thu 11-Feb-16 07:05:31

2 degrees below here in north essex this morning very cold
tescos this morning
Enjoy your day

12Michael Thu 11-Feb-16 06:47:17

Good Morning Everyone,
its just starting to get light here in Brackley this morning but its dry.