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Fed up.

(28 Posts)
Katek Fri 12-Sep-14 22:08:28

Been falling apart over last two months and my normal optimism is beginning to flag. As well as long term conditions such as asthma and hiatus hernia to deal with, I've had 3 bouts of a sinus infection which has left my head full of catarrh and my left ear deaf and full of fluid. Can't have decongestant because of asthma meds so am stuck with it. Then there was the kidney infection which resulted in an emergency out of hours appt last week. The antibiotics for that are now affecting my bowel, my hiatus hernia medication has been withdrawn due to potential cardiac side effects (domperidone) with no replacement being available. Result.... awake in middle of the night feeling sick. Factor in trying to maintain my usual activities (village amenities committee, pantomime, volunteer work, friends, gym etc) 4 grandchildren, a pregnant DIL, ageing and VERY demanding in laws who expect us to do 300 mile round trip every second weekend and my brain is about to explode. Oh and don't forget Xmas looming up! Sorry for mini rave but it's good to vent!

Galen Thu 18-Sep-14 22:16:56

Hot stones are really good. ( not cheap, but worth it)

Galen Thu 18-Sep-14 22:15:41

Lovely. You'll really enjoy it!

whitewave Thu 18-Sep-14 21:57:47

All that lovely sea air and sun will help clear your head. Relax and enjoy.

etheltbags1 Thu 18-Sep-14 21:53:55

KateK, when you are on your cruise please do go for a healing therapy, they do them on most cruises. Have a massage or better still a reflexology or indian head massage, it will do you good. Also look for a therapist when you get home and have regular treatments you will soon feel better.

Katek Thu 18-Sep-14 21:11:44

Off with Thomson on 21st October round Western Med. Sicily, Naples, Rome, Corsica.....I'm very excited!!!

Galen Thu 18-Sep-14 20:51:44

They're great! When?
Which cruise line?

annodomini Thu 18-Sep-14 20:30:58

Katek - what a great solution! You'll be a new woman!

Mishap Thu 18-Sep-14 20:14:11

Wow! - enjoy!

Katek Thu 18-Sep-14 19:52:54

Ladies......I am going on a cruise!

rubylady Tue 16-Sep-14 02:09:20

Kate Please try to be better to yourself. Sit down and do your poppies. Another thing to try is Vicks Vapour Rub on the soles of your feet, pop some socks on and sleep. It does wonders for a cold, so try it for your sinuses. I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm. I rubbed it on a pulled muscle last week and it worked. I'm a great believer in trying things out to see what works. smile

Brendawymms Mon 15-Sep-14 10:05:43

Many years ago I was attending meditation classes and we had to learn the Love mantra. The next week we were asked how we got on, I said parts two to five were ok but I struggled with part one of love of self. I was promptly told that until I learnt to love myself I could not do the others.

Working in A&E with people who had attempted suicide due to stress, family pressure and social problems I often remembered the " love yourself first" bit and would work with my patients on how they could find time for themselves to keep their batteries charged to face everything else.

Katek Mon 15-Sep-14 09:34:41

Thanks again to everyone who has commented on my post. I agree with all of you re taking a step back/resting, but the problem comes in the execution of it. There's a lot of psychology attached to my driving myself on... firstly I come from a forces family in which we just got on with things. Very little quarter given - unless you were at death's door you were at school. Secondly I was born with a disability which has meant trying harder at everything in order to be accepted. Trouble is that now I don't know when it's appropriate to stop trying/pushing. I've decided today that all I'm going to do is see my pt for a gentle stretching session to keep everything working and then have a chillout day. Fancied doing some crocheted poppies for Remembrance Sunday so can relax doing those. Tomorrow I've booked in for a manicure...nice treat.

Mishap Sun 14-Sep-14 11:58:19

I am about to be out of action for several weeks and have been agonising about all my child care and other duties - but everyone has given me good advice which is that, for a while, I will have to concentrate on my needs. I will miss all these things, but it has to be.

And you are in the same boat - you are not well and need to look after yourself for a bit - and above all get the right treatment for your ailments as a basic starting point.

Agus Sun 14-Sep-14 10:49:55

Please listen to your body Katek. It's telling you to stop and look after yourself. You will become more ill if you don't stop and allow your body to repair. Those around you demanding your time and attention will manage while you look after yourself for a change.

I suffered with very painful sinus symptoms at one time and after trying everything possible, my dentist told me about a homeopathic remedy called Kali Bich. I only had to take it for a short time and the symptoms cleared.

Hope things get better for you soon flowers

annodomini Sun 14-Sep-14 10:13:48

Kidney infection, sinus infection? For goodness' sake, Katek, you're ill. It's not just ageing. Illness can happen to anyone at any age. If you slow down, on the grounds that you need time to recover, it's not just an excuse, it's a good reason. You will make yourself more poorly if you carry on the way you have been doing, through all these problems. If you have a word with your GP and lay it all on the line the way you have explained it to us, he/she will try to sort out your medications and - hopefully - tell you to give yourself some rest.

Mishap Sun 14-Sep-14 10:05:01

It is not "giving in" - we have no choice but to embrace the characteristics of each age of our lives. We look back and think it was all great - but every phase of life has its challenges. I would not like to be an adolescent again thank you very much!

Yes - being older has its challenges - usually health related - but we have wisdom and for many a freedom to choose what we do with each day. We have to adapt what we do to our situation and do it with a good grace. Nothing worse than a grumpy old person!

Having said that, it really does sound as though some of your health problems need to be looked at again to make sure that you are getting all possible help. Whilst accepting that our health is likely to become more of a problem for most of us, it makes sense to get all the help that might be on offer to alleviate those things that are troubling to us.

thatbags Sun 14-Sep-14 09:44:51

There is no shame in giving in to aging. I'm not yet sixty but I have had to. Accepting that you have to slow down makes a huge difference to how you feel and it helps you to reassess how much you can cope with and what is too much. So, for instance, if visiting your inlaws every other weekend fills you with weariness, assert yourself and stop going every other weekend. Other people have to accept your health and/or energy change as well as you. I know from experience that this can be hard but I (and they) got there in the end.

You don't have to carry on doing what you've always done. It is often a simple fact of aging that we have less energy and more health problems than we did when we were younger. I don't call this giving in to age but embracing aging for what it is. Being realistic in short.

I hope you feel better soon and I agree with the others—it's time to be kind to yourself. flowers

suebailey1 Sun 14-Sep-14 09:33:44

No you're not giving in to ageing, you're not well no shame in that and because when you've had a rest and are feeling better having reassessed priorities you will be up and at 'em again. flowers

Katek Sat 13-Sep-14 21:38:57

Thank you all so much for kind words and advice. Think I definitely need to reassess my priorities. Despite not being 100% I'm just home from a 200 mile round trip (in a day) to visit smallest grandson....I'm not bring very sensible, am I? I did make one concession however-I took the train instead of driving. Oh dear, the more I write the more I can see how unfair I'm being to myself. It's hard to admit that I need to slow down...feel like I'm giving in to ageing!

suebailey1 Sat 13-Sep-14 09:34:20

katek lots of wise words here I particularly like the suggestion re steaminng. When I was Sister of a respiratory ward we used steaming a lot for asthma patients as they seemed to have sinus issues regularly. we didn't put anything in - just steam although if you wish some people like Olbas oil or similar preparation. It sounds to me like you need a good rest and let your body cope with these problems. Its not shame to tell people you are taking a few weeks of all duties to recover- its time to pamper yourself a little. flowers

Elizabeth1 Sat 13-Sep-14 08:20:05

I'm sorry but you can't be all to everybody and it looks like you have been trying for some time now when all the while your health has been deteriorating. While your health thinks about improving why don't you think about a few good things which will make you feel good. Be kind to yourself for a change I'm sure you deserve it. flowers

Kiora Sat 13-Sep-14 05:41:53

Oh get better soon. But please don't mention Christmas

Coolgran65 Sat 13-Sep-14 01:02:22

A sinus infection was the only time I saw my husband weep because of pain.
An emergency out of hours doctor gave him an antibiotic and all was well in several days.
I wish you well.

Mishap Fri 12-Sep-14 22:35:49

I too am sorry that life is so difficult for you at present. I think that we all go through these phases when lots of problems come together - but I am sure there will be light at the end of the tunnel in the end. It would be worth returning to GP over medication for hiatus hernia - perhaps they will have something else to offer - it is not the only drug on offer.

Lona Fri 12-Sep-14 22:30:49

Katek I'm sorry you're really going through such a hard time with your health (and in laws), I hope things improve for you soon flowers