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(18 Posts)
Luckygirl Thu 30-Jun-16 16:24:57

Sleep - that's the stuff you need!

I remember having a really grim virus (coxsachie B - ?spelling) when my first two were toddlers - boy was that a difficult time! - and it seemed to go on for ever.

grannyqueenie Thu 30-Jun-16 13:14:59

Glad you had a decent sleep Katek, a good night always makes the world seem a better place for me, hope it helps for you too. On another note travel cots are marvellous things!

Katek Thu 30-Jun-16 12:13:04

I'm feeling more human today-slept 12 hours straight but woke stuck to the sheet. Still off my food though -which is actually no bad thing. indinana your poor dd-thank goodness you're close enough to help out. Maybe a travel cot could be useful and you can pop it in a cupboard when not in use.
Thanks all you grans for your kind words, and best wishes to anyone who is feeling under the weather today.

Indinana Thu 30-Jun-16 08:51:55

Thanks grannyq. We will be helping all we can because it's just her and the baby at home, no-one else to help with childcare or to look after her. Think we may have to get another cot and let her move in for a while!

grannyqueenie Wed 29-Jun-16 23:21:52

Oh no your poor daughter, Indinana, I had that when my oldest 2 were both under 5. I'm sure your daughter will appreciate all the help you can give her and she makes a good recovery. At the time my GP advised that 6 weeks of rest was the best way to recover. When I protested he told me firmly that there are no shortcuts! It wasn't easy but I did rest as much as I could and recovered well with no relapses. Good wishes to your daughter and good luck with the babysitting too!

Indinana Wed 29-Jun-16 22:43:19

Yes, I was just about to say the same. Do hope you got through the day safely and can now rest and recuperate.
My DD has been unwell intermittently and today her glands become very tender and swollen. She rang her GP and was very lucky to get a cancellation this evening. Upshot is it seems she has Epstein Barr virus. Wanted to bring her back with us to stay but we no longer have a cot for the baby (long story), so it wasn't possible. We will bring her home tomorrow though so she can rest while we look after the baby and dog.

grannyqueenie Wed 29-Jun-16 22:25:14

Hope you survived your busy day Katek you are now safely tucked up in bed and tomorrow is an easier day

Luckygirl Wed 29-Jun-16 18:35:51

There are some beastly bugs around at the moment. I have been in contact with several people with them - I am trying to fight them all off as we are moving house next week!!

Katek Wed 29-Jun-16 18:31:48

Probably too late.....we were all out for a panto curry night on Saturday.

Badenkate Wed 29-Jun-16 18:28:08

Lots of sympathy Katek and I hope you feel better soon., but aren't you running the risk of spreading whatever nasty virus you have around all the other people you are going to come in contact with?

Katek Wed 29-Jun-16 18:22:56

luckygirl I seem to have been permanently unwell this year. Getting really fed up with it. Main problem is my chest/asthma-been one long infection after another. Thank goodness I had a clear chest CAT scan or I would have had myself in an early grave. One lung is a bit squashed because of my spinal condition, so lots of mucus gets lodged at the bottom and bacteria start multiplying. Sorry for the graphic detail but wouldn't want anyone to think I'm a moaning hypochondriac! I usually soldier on but am quite low spirited at the moment.

grannylyn65 Wed 29-Jun-16 17:05:05

Oh Dear, I had that xx??

Luckygirl Wed 29-Jun-16 16:58:31

Weren't you poorly just recently? You are not having a lot of luck. Auditioning for the panto eh? - are you Linda Snell?

Katek Wed 29-Jun-16 16:12:15

Thanks mumomb - always wary mixing meds!

mumofmadboys Wed 29-Jun-16 13:02:23

Yes Katek it is fine to take paracetamol with mefenamic acid. Hope you feel better soon!

Katek Wed 29-Jun-16 11:10:04

Thanks for the flowers Indinana! Any other day wouldn't have caused a problem, I could just have hunkered down with tea and tv. DD's childminder has had to go and see her mother who isn't well, and Dd has meetings after school today. I may speak to rest of audition team (sounds very grand but there's only two of them!) and see how they feel about rearranging. Problem is that our school hols start on Friday and people start disappearing. Off to stagger to kitchen to make cuppa....hate feeling like this. Does anyone know if you can take paracetamol as well as mefenamic acid?

Indinana Wed 29-Jun-16 10:58:23

Oh Katek so sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. And why do these things seem to happen at the most inconvenient times? I do hope you manage to get through the day OK and that your DGD is a good girl and doesn't exhaust you too much.

Is there any possibility that you can postpone the auditions? You really could do without that as well. flowers

Katek Wed 29-Jun-16 10:53:22

I am soooo fed up today. I've developed a virus, and so it would seem has DH who is in the Netherlands until tomorrow. Nasty sharp, painful cough behind the sternum, headache, nausea, aching limbs, raised temp and very wobbly. I have dgd to collect at 3.15 as well and she's staying for tea. Not sure how I'm going to manage this but Dd is relying on me. Also meant to be running panto auditions tonight. Shoot me now!