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Pop up bathroom waste

(6 Posts)
Starling Sat 20-Sep-14 15:46:52

Can the original manufacturer help Stansgran ?

Purpledaffodil Sat 20-Sep-14 15:19:40

Had the same problem and immense difficulty trying to find an old fashioned plug to fit that gap. As Whenim64 has mentioned! you also don't have the normal grill that the plug fits into either. This means toothpaste tubes, earrings etc etc will all fall down unless you are very careful. Have avoided that type of fitting in every basin since!

Charleygirl Sat 20-Sep-14 13:23:02

I had a problem a few years ago with my kitchen pop up plug. A plumber came to fix it and it turned out to be a mega problem, trying to get something to fit the hole properly. I do not have a pop up per se but one which fits into a hole in the middle. The entire area had to be enlarged to make way for this object which fitted. Naturally it was a Saturday afternoon job so most of the shops were shut.

whenim64 Sat 20-Sep-14 13:02:30

You need the inside fitting, too, otherwise you'll have quite a wide hole for things to drop into, as my daughter discovered when the plumber removed some lego.

Elegran Sat 20-Sep-14 12:48:29

I would have thought just buying an ondfashioned one that fits and removing the popup would be OK. If you have replaced it, you will know how to remove it. You may need to anchor the chain to something - there won't be a ring for it. A loop round a tap?

Stansgran Sat 20-Sep-14 12:45:49

My plug in the bathroom is the popup type. It's been in several years but has stopped working. I bought a little plastic clip to replace the broken one but it has only lasted three months. Has anyone changed the popup type to an old fashioned plug on a chain and is it DIY or do I need a plumber? I would be grateful for advice.