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Thought for the day - Mk II

(166 Posts)
Grannyknot Mon 04-Aug-14 11:31:56

The other thread is full, so hopefully this will be the start of another 1000 opportunities to smile.

janerowena Tue 30-Jun-15 23:57:22


Ana Tue 30-Jun-15 18:47:40

Good turn-out again...hmm

janerowena Wed 10-Jun-15 11:18:07


Nellie I can remember being taken to a beach with similar signs when I was little, and my parents just ignoring them! I was scared the whole time, but my father just said that the rocks only fell in the winter and spring. He was wrong, but thankfully we all survived - he just liked that beach and wasn't going to give up his shade for anything!

Grannyknot Wed 10-Jun-15 08:13:53

Jane grin

numberplease Wed 10-Jun-15 00:39:32

That last one reminds me of many years ago, on a beach in Whitby, there was a falling rocks sign on the cliffs, and immediately underneath it.........childrens` swings and slide! They probably aren`t there now, but it shocked me at the time.

Nelliemoser Tue 09-Jun-15 19:14:45

Enjoy your holiday.

janerowena Tue 09-Jun-15 18:55:58

DBH often says this to me, clearly he is not alone!

Maggiemaybe Wed 27-May-15 10:17:22

New to me too, Nellie. I've just shared it with my DS and DD2, who will appreciate it!

Nelliemoser Wed 27-May-15 09:41:40

Ashtree It was new to me. DD has a new baby and DGS1 is being quite nose out of joint so it ring bells with me.

It is sung so seriously as well. It certainly made me laugh.

AshTree Wed 27-May-15 09:20:00

I've seen this before Nelliem. Isn't it absolutely marvellous? I was in tears of laughter watching this.

Nelliemoser Wed 27-May-15 09:14:05

For Parents and Grandparents everywhere.
This is wonderful (if it will work.)

Lona Mon 20-Apr-15 19:21:52

Love that janer grin

janerowena Mon 20-Apr-15 16:50:13

A timely warning as the weather heats up.

janerowena Sun 05-Apr-15 20:13:03


merlotgran Sun 05-Apr-15 11:04:40

Happy Easter

janerowena Mon 23-Mar-15 23:14:56

Very true!

Anya Mon 23-Mar-15 23:10:08

I loved this!

janerowena Wed 11-Mar-15 22:53:11

I failed at the first sentence!

Ana Wed 11-Mar-15 11:30:02

(not the yogic dog, of course...)

Ana Wed 11-Mar-15 11:28:31

Dead? grin

Anya Wed 11-Mar-15 11:28:21

The family dog!

Thought I was getting all spiritual on you?????

Anya Wed 11-Mar-15 11:27:17

If you can start the day without caffeine,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment ,
If you can conquer tension without medical help,
If you can relax without liquor,
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

...Then You Are Probably .........

Grannyknot Mon 09-Mar-15 17:38:32

anya smile

Anya Mon 09-Mar-15 15:29:27


kittylester Mon 09-Mar-15 14:03:06

And again