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From my house

(17 Posts)
Mishap Thu 05-Mar-15 20:09:50

That's lovely merlot.

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 19:57:24

We've had none

merlotgran Thu 05-Mar-15 19:51:33

View from our bedroom window. We only had two day's snow this year.

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 19:43:14

Same here Mishap

merlotgran Thu 05-Mar-15 19:19:25

What beautiful photos.

Mishap Thu 05-Mar-15 19:18:59

I do recognise how very lucky we are - mind you we worked quite hard for it! And we do appreciate it very much indeed, and never take it for granted.

loopylou Thu 05-Mar-15 19:15:56

Now I've got double envy
sad me!

tanith Thu 05-Mar-15 18:59:23

How lucky you both are.. fantastic pics.

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 18:57:40

Hats lovely and rural looking

Mishap Thu 05-Mar-15 18:53:16

This is the view from my bedroom balcony to the east - it faces south and has country views all around. And we can enjoy the sunsets and the sunrises. This photo used a telephoto lens - the church is not quite so close in reality. It is two fields away.

ffinnochio Thu 05-Mar-15 18:33:39

Super photo showing 'straight opposite' Galen Love the composition.

Bridge is great, too!


Mishap Thu 05-Mar-15 18:31:59

It is a lovely area. I have a great love of the first Severn bridge - it is so delicate. Probably too delicate, come to think of it!

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 18:29:08

Marvellous ones, but it won't let me post one. I'll try tomorrow.
I think there's a limit on how many you can post at one time.

janerowena Thu 05-Mar-15 18:26:24

Me too! What a fantastic view. Which way does it face, do you get sunsets?

loopylou Thu 05-Mar-15 18:15:29

Simply beautiful, if only I had a view, let alone one like yours. Only problem would be that I'd be glued to the window and get nothing whatsoever done!

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 18:10:57

Straight opposite

Galen Thu 05-Mar-15 18:09:55

The second Severn crossing